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Joint Pain


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Hello all,

Suspected POTS "victim" here. TTT 2 weeks ago, waiting on confirmation of results.

I'm taking Beta Blockers, Bisoprolol (UK name) and they have eased my heart rate, palpitations and (most of) my shortness of breath.

I'm still suffering from some symptoms, mainly ocassional shakiness/jitters, chest pain and pressure and generally feeling rubbish, tired, whacked out.

However, the main symptom I'm suffering from is joint pain and achy limbs. Does anybody else suffer from this?

I've been to my GP and he doesn't really understand POTS (if I even have it? - see TTT above). He's recommended compression socks, which have helped a bit, but I'm still getting pains, sometimes quite disabling, and extremely red hands.

Apart from painkillers, does anybody know of any other meds which can alleviate these symptoms?

I'm thinking of contacting my cardiologist to mention this as I don't think my doc fully understands POTS (I mentioned feeling nauseous and having stomach pains at times and he categorically said POTS won't cause this - wrong!). However, my next appointment with cardio isn't for another 6 months, so think I need something before then as the pain is holding me back/causing me to miss even more time from work.

In that regard, work are now starting to tighten the noose now too. They've been fairly flexible up until now. But, having spoke to my boss today he's mentioned that my absence has now hit a certain trigger point and that I'll likely face a disciplinary upon my return, whereas other people are off for ages with stress, post natal problems, and have returned to work without any problem. Again, I feel that this is down to a total lack of knowledge of POTS and how debilitating it can be.

In that regard, I think I definitely need to contact my cardio soon, to confirm if anybody has looked at my TTT, and if a final, rather than preliminary diagnosis of POTS has been made as I may need this info for any disciplinary, as I'll have their guts for garters if they try and sack me for having a recognised disability!

Just a general rant! Sometimes it's good to offload on the internet!

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Pots itself shouldn't be causing pain but some of it's underlying causes can. Certain viral infections, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, neuropathies, or autoimmune diseases could produce pain and pots. For relief, you might try Epsom salt baths as that eases pain and allows you to absorb the magnesium from the salts through your skin which promotes healing of inflammation.

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Katybug couldn't have said it better. I also thought EDS. Epsom Salts are a great suggetion. Just be careful if your heat sensitive, make sure your well ventilated in your bathroom! I hope you make a speedy recovery.

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