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Forced To Get A New Doctor, Where To Begin?


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The primary who diagnosed my POTS finished his residency and moved on, now I have to find a new one. I have so many concerns: Will he/she be overwhelmed by my massive file and book-long list of symptoms? Will he/she know what POTS is or at least be willing to learn? Will he/she get defensive when I try to explain what I know about my condition? Will he/she take one look at me and decide I am a nutcase? As we all know, most doctors don't know about or understand POTS and they don't have the time to read up on it. Why should they waste their time trying to figure out my condition when it would be easier to just assume I am crazy? I would like to say that doctors are better than that, but I know better. Does anyone have any suggestions for making this run smoothly?

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I don't even look for a doctor to manage my POTS anymore. I just live with it. I don't see ANY new research in the field of POTS that would offer anything new to try, so I just wait. The only thing that caught my eye in the last couple of years was the research on AAG(autoantibody stuff), but the doctor doing the research only accepts limited patients and I didn't "qualify", whatever that means. I think he was looking for hypotensive patients, and I am hypertensive when standing.

So, I just do what I can with diet and other things I can control like slowly building my stamina back up. I don't do well with any of the first-line treatments, such as beta blockers, that they offer, so there is nothing else I am looking to try right now. I am slowly biding my time until they come up with research that seems NEW, instead of doing the same stuff over and over.

I do have an internal medicine doctor that understands what is going on with me, but he is more for other things, and how to treat me if I get sick, knowing my POTS history.

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Has your current dr. (resident) left yet? Maybe he could write a letter to your new doctor about your medical history and testing, etc.. or even better, maybe he could recommend someone and give him a call. It must feel really scary right now for you to think of starting from scratch again. I'm sorry.

Where are you located? I can re-post a list of doctors by state that specialize in Autonomic Dysfunction if you interested.

Good luck to you and everything will work out

Did you ever see Finding Nemo... "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.." :rolleyes: That's my motto!

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