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Is This Worth Investigating/mentioning To Doc.


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My dad, aunts, an uncle, and Grandpa all have a history of bad veins and ulcers on their legs. They have been told it is just hereditary. Also, from standing on legs too long. If you look at this page there is a list of causes. Some being inflammatory like vasculitis and lupus. Many other diseases as well. I actually have no issues with my legs, but wondering if there is some underlying disease in the family. I know it is a reach, but I was not sure if I should mention it to the doc... http://my.clevelandclinic.org/heart/disorders/vascular/legfootulcer.aspx

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Do you have a family history of early strokes and heart attacks as well? Or of DVTs or PEs also? I know Dr. Cheney was talking in his video here http://cfids-cab.org/MESA/CFS_Dist.htm

about how some families have an issue of laying down too many fibrin monamers (sp?) and how that affects microcirculation which has a significant impact on so many of our symptoms. He was saying it was important to address the issue, so if you have a sympathetic doc it might be worth bringing it up.

(Just as a note the video is about 3 hours long and the part about the fibrin is toward the end.)

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