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Neuropathy - Hope?

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Best of my knowledge metanx is a "medical food", a prescription strength combination of B vitamins that can run up to $ 5.00 a pill (depending on the strength and pharmacy).

This is a full text article about its use for the peripheral neuropathy symptoms in those with type 2 diabetes.


Metanx in Type 2 Diabetes with Peripheral Neuropathy: A Randomized Trial


LMF-MC-PLP appears to be a safe and effective therapy for alleviation of peripheral neuropathy symptoms, at least in the short term. Additional long-term studies should be conducted, as the trial duration may have been too short to show an effect on VPT. In addition, further research on the effects in patients with cobalamin deficiency would be useful.

Hope this helps.



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You probably need to find the cause of your neuropathy before you start trying medications for neuropathy.

The stuff in this medication is only for diabetic somatic neuropathy.

Also, diabetic neuropathy is caused by reactive oxygen species during cell metabolism, when glucose is broken up in to ATP and beyond. The glucose metabolism process involves glycolysis, the krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain.

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Another old treatment for neuropathy is B12 shots. You'll notice the active form of B12 is one of the three ingredients in metanx. I've also wondered why traditional treatments for neuropathy (regardless of the cause) aren't attempted more with POTS people. I'm interested in exploring this avenue too.

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