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Start Beta Blockers Monday

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My hr usually goes from 62 to 95 on standing. Hate the feeling and it makes me feel as if ive been excersising just by standing up!

My cardiologist is going to try me on bisoprolol 1.25mg im hoping these will blunt the response and bring it down a little.

Will bringing a persons hr down with beta blocker cause any problems? Like the heart rate is keeping blood up from pooling in legs etc?

A lot of people vouch for beta blockers. I just cant bare it been so fast from doing nothing any more :(.

Ive neen very depressed these last few weeks. Not wanting to do anything etc.

Ive got it in my head my chest pain is a coronary artery anomaly so I had a mri and they were sure it was fine 90% but im paranoid so going for another to make it 100. Lol.

So yeah...discuss beta blockers :). I just want a rise of 15 in hr that would be so amazing.

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Well...I have had good luck with my beta blocker keeping my heart rate under 100, the trouble is, is that it may be knocking my already low blood pressure down further. In fact my cardiologist just took me off my beta blocker this week after two years to see if my blood pressure would come up. It does seem to help my blood pressure being off the beta blocker but my heart rate has been between 115 and 135 in the mornings all week and I feel yucky. I felt yucky before I stopped taking them also but my heart rate was lower. I don't know what the answer is. I hope it works for you without dropping your blood pressure. I'm surprised they are giving you a beta blocker when your heart rate isn't over 100. I have been told up to 100 can be normal. Maybe because the rise is so significant. My heart rate easily gets over 100, but I start out usually in the 90's. 62 to 95 obviously meets the 30 bpm criteria. Let us know how it goes!

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Guest Alex

I've tried 3 betas in the past (metoprolol, bisoprolol, and propranolol) and while they have kept my HR somewhat under control I realized (after I discontinued them) they were responsible for several other issues I dealt with: low BP (I'm normally hypotensive), dizziness, tiredness, insomnia, episodes of chest pain, shortness of breath, some occasional depression (this could have been from the other meds I was taking though)...can't recall what else.

To the best of my knowledge, betas do not help with pooling - a med like midodrine does that kind of job.

Many people find betas helpful so it may be worth giving bisoprolol a try - you really won't know if a certain med might help you unless you try it.

Best of luck and keep us posted.


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On metoprolol, keeps my resting heart rate under 100 and without it, or on a lower dose it can get up to 130! I'm a big fan, although as others have said, it does cause already low blood pressure to drop even more..It just means you have to do more to keep it up...more liquids, salt intake, pressure stocking etc. it might take a while to find the right one for you, also. i tried propranolol last year and reacted to it terribly. Metoprolol is good but i need the slow-release tabs in order to keep my hr under control. Good luck!

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