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Any Luck With Short Term Disability (Through Company)?

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Has anyone had any luck getting approved for short-term disability (through your company) for POTS? I have seen several postings about LT disability through the government, but nothing about this. I have been denied twice by my company's insurance provider and am not sure if I should appeal again. It isn't enough money to be worth getting a lawyer, but it would still help out my family. The company basically just doesn't believe I am really sick. Any advice/experience? Thanks!

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I was approved for short term and them long term through my old employer's insurance. My PCP, cardiologist, POTS /migraine neuro and immunologist were all very detailed in their notes regarding my symptoms as well as my physical limitations. I don't know if I can offer any answers but please feel free to PM me if you have specific questions.

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Thank you ladies! I think I just need to get more detailed information from the doctor. The insurance company kept focusing in the fact that my EKG and heart echo were fine. Of course they're fine - there's nothing actually wrong with my heart! :) It's good to hear that some people have been approved before - I will definitely appeal the decision.

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