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Arizona Doctors

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I am trying to see Dr. Goodman at Mayo, and that means I have to call every day and see if there are any openings, so far, none and Ive been calling for a while.

Has anyone else seen any other doctors in Arizona for POTS. I am also having quite a bit of flushing day and night.


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Mayo is really hard to get into out here in the winter months. You will have better luck in the summer. Also if you are not an established Mayo patient, you may want to start with a consultative medicine appointment and they discuss your history, your current symptoms, do a physical and then they refer you for testing and to doctors to see based on your issues. I was already an established patient so I could get in quicker (I was originally seen in MN) but I saw the general doc first and then got my referrals to cardiology, neuro etc and had some of my testing done before I even saw Dr. Goodman.

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