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Biofeedback Appointment Advice/outcomes?


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I am having my first biofeedback appointment this friday at 6:30 pm wiwth INDIGO biofeedback machines. my first appointment is 2.5 hours with follow ups being about an hour. I am curious to those that had biofeedback how much it helped? Right now my symptoms are tachycardia upon standing without Lightheadedness dizziness. Extreme Fatigue. pinprink feelings and some muscle facculations *spasms*

My biggest goal is to get OFF my betablocker- I do not like Meds (even if I am a nurse) I hate pharmacutical meds and want to be as natural as can be! which for me right now Means RAW multivitamins (not cooked and baked), Yoga, meditation, counseling (do to the loss of my baby) , and PALEO diet. right now im taking High dose of 70mg lopressor BID . and I want OFF! I am determined. so anyway just wondering what others had expierenced with Biofeedback-

i think I may have Hypermobilitity possible EDS III (my own personal diagnosis lol) - I fit it. both elbows hyperextend ALOT but none of my other joints :-/ blonde hair blue eyes. fair skin.... just makes sense. if the docs cant help me - im helping myself. and this is coming from a girl that regularly goes to the clinic in cleveland.

Though I am starting to do cardio rehab 3/21 so that should help! I hope.


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Hi Tiffany,

I have done biofeedback! It was back before I was diagnosed with POTS and for my intense GI and chest pain. I went to a doc in mayo and they hooked me up to a machine that measure my hr and breathing. We then worked with the computer to find a comfortable breating rate that would calm my hr and get my breathing to "match" it. The key my doc told me was that i need to be breathing from my abdomen not my chest when i use biofeedback.

I personally have mixed feelings about it. Dont get me wrong though, It helps me! but when i have intense stomach pain breathing with my abdomen is soooo painful. They told me no one has ever complained of that But it takes me 3-5 reps of breathing to get the pain of just starting the biofeed back to go away then start working on the origninal pain. But it does help! Espically on a bad day! after i get through the intial pain my stomach will relax and my tachy will come down.

I havent practiced enough to use it when i dont have my ipod in front of me (i have an app that helps me with the rythm of my breath i picked with my doc). Im wokring up to that but its hard. I want to use it in class and public but its hard to concentrate in class and try to remember to breath in a certain way and patten lol

I hope it helps you :) Keep me posted on it!

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its probably going to take more than just one but I have a blog and I will definatly be posting my expierence! - my blog is just my expierences and being very natural..


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