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Blue Toenails?!


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My best guess is that is a circulatory issue or an oxygenation issue. Nails are a window to circulation status - if when lightly pinched, the nail blanches then returns to full color within 2 seconds or so, the circulation is thought to be pretty normal. If the nail does not return to full color or takes >3 seconds, then the circulation is impaired. A nail that is blue or "cyanotic" indicates poor circulation or poor oxygen status. If you have any respiratory disease or compromise, the nails can take on a bluish tinge. If this happens only when you stand up, it is probably due to the sudden decrease in circulation to your lower legs causing the nails to turn bluish in color. Perhaps you need to stand up more slowly or in gradual stages after awakening. Try sitting up slowly in bed and gradually lowering your legs. This will help your heart and cardiovascular system to equilibrate more evenly. I have Raynaud's phenomena from my dysautonomia - this causes poor circulation to hands and feet and sometimes, my nails and mucus membranes turn a bluish tinge or just pale out to a very white color.

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Yes, this is the exact opposite of pooling. I had this for a few weeks last summer, even lying down. My doctor told me that because my BP was too low and my pulse pressure very narrow, my body was shunting the extremities to keep blood where it is most necessary, i.e. vitals organs. My oxygen levels where normal too, so go figure.

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Blue feet/nails happened to me all the time. Usually in the morning/earlier in the day, my feet would turn a hideous purple. Everyday. And my toenails seemed to be permanently blue. My doctor had no clue what was going on - reynauds, lupus, scleroderma, she thought it could indicate any of them but the ANA came back neg.

Eventually the purple feet stopped being a daily occurrence. The blue nails still happen daily after I eat, especially if it's cold.

It's a bit embarrassing when it happens in sandals and I'm sitting in a class or somewhere where I'm trapped, feeling like everyone is staring and wondering what the ****. But, honestly, from a medical standpoint I've stopped worrying about it. I know I've read that it's common in POTS patients, acrocyanosis.

Totally off topic side note: Michelle Obama's on the Oscars! Didn't see that coming.

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