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To Tired To Make Decisions


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Im so tired. I have always been tired but for months now it has gotten worse and worse. I feel like arms to heavy to lift and legs are going to buckle under me and it is like this almost everyday for the whole day. I have to rest for hours after I do any activity and if I do more than one activity, it takes days to get back any energy. I walk dog every day but everything is getting harder and harder to do. All pots symptoms are getting worse. I don't even know if it is best to take nap or try to stay up so it wont interfere with night sleep. Doctor put me on Ritalin 20mg and said if this doesn't work we will work up to 30mg next time. 3 months and not sure what is Ritalin and what is pots and what to do with that med. Sometimes so tired but cant sleep. so tired, have joint pain and brain fogged along with all other pots symptoms, I don't even know what is right decision. Right now so many decisions with RA doctor, my family doctor, changes and additions of new meds and doctors. Im so overwhelmed and tired I don't know what is the right thing to do and as I feel worse, these decisions even feel harder. It all brings back memories of all I went through with doctors trying to find out what was wrong before dx with pots. Family says I am making myself like this worrying but I think as my symptoms get worse I cant make a good decision and it is bad cycle. I think if I felt good, I could think good and this wouldnt be happening. I know this is just a cycle of our illness, I just needed to complain to someone who understands.

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Maybe I missed something but why are you on Ritalin if you are this tired? Isn't that a Med for ADHD? My thoughts are with you. I've been feeling overwhelmed lately so my motivation to even talk to my docs isn't very high....then they want to know current symptoms. I want to say just copy your notes from last time and we'll be fine. It is hard to make sound decisions when you're just struggling to get dressed and get to the appt and back home again. It doesn't always leave a lot of room for making the bigger, tougher decisions.

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Cardiologist put me on Ritalin saying that it would help my fatigue(tired) and brain fog. Cardiologist even sent me home with studies for myself and my GP on how Ritalin had helped their patients with pots that had these symptoms. Katybug, I hope you feel better, my prayers go out to you. It is devastating to struggle with this illness everyday and amazing how a long, bad flare up can crumble and change a life so quickly.

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Just wondering, but could you have Mono or another virus playing with your system. These things make us feel worse and make it harder to cope with POTS. My POTS son just got over the flu and his energy levels are way down. To help with fatigue, he drinks protein shakes. These seem to help. Also make sure you are getting salt and water. If things don't improve, might need to call your doctor and tell him what's going on.

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Thanks. I'll get through it. I think I just need a break from the docs for a month or so. Every once in a while I just need to stop talking to doctors so I can decompress. My godson has ADHD and he couldn't handle the Ritalin at all. It made him sleepy in the day and he had night terrors. Maybe it's making your fatigue worse? I hope you feel better soon...the fatigue is definitely one of the worst problems.

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