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What ?'s About Cognitive Impairment Do You Have?


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Brain fog, early dementia, mild amnestic cognitive impairment, whatever you call it - I don't want to "forget" important ?'s for my doc tomorrow.... Do you have questions I should remember to ask? Studies/tests I should get? Things I shouldn't discuss? Things you always wanted to know?

I am sorta embarrassed as every time I see my doc I am worse than the time before....

My sx's are ranging from varied "itis's" & EDS pains, labile b/p, hyperandrenergic baseline, on clonidine, propranolol for that, multi level severe cervical foraminal stenosis, mild central canal issue w/ cord flattening. Likely CFS, gerd, low thyroid, HTN...

BUT why is my brain dying?

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BUT why is my brain dying?

I can not answer that but when you find out please let me know, I have my 17 year old son home out of school for 2+ months now as he finds he no longer think properly, he has always had issues with 'brain fog', but now he finds what he could do and understand a few years back makes no sense to him!!

Our geneticist did say he has seen this kind of thing happen to a number of his EDS patients, and they are trying to understand why this is happening, he has also run some blood tests to rule out 'Adrenoleukodystrophy' this is all so scary.

I hope your Dr. has some ideas for you.

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