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Need Help, Please!


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I recently moved to a bigger city. I have been trying to get out and do more, however, my POTS (which I thought I had managed) is making it very hard to get out more than two days in a row. I am not even going out and doing big things! It is sooo frustrating! I had an episode Sat. night at church, then Sunday I went with a couple of friends to the mall for a few hours. The rest of Sunday I was exhausted, and on Monday all I did was sleep.

How am I supposed to get POTS under control? What have you found best schedule-wise for your POTS?

Thank you!

P.S. Sorry about the complaining....I just needed to get it out!

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Sounds like you may have added a little more stress to your system, with the move and all. Might need to slow down to get your body to adjust. POTS is unpredictable. You can always plan your day but may need to plan for some breaks along the way.

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Oh my goodness! I cannot believe how much it helps to have an IV of fluids! I feel much better! Now, I just need to keep a balanced schedule so that I stay that way.

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