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Mcad Treatment Making Pots Worse But Mcad Better...


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I got diagnosed with MCAD by Dr. Afrin in November. I started Clarinex and Pepcid about 3 weeks ago. All was well initially. My flushing episodes after eating carbs have stopped completely. However, I noticed no change in my POTS at all. Last weekend I began feeling dizzy and started getting really frequent PVC's. it's gotten progressively worse over the last 7 days to where I can't even stand up I'm so dizzy. I also have the terrible head aches and brain fog that go along with hypo perfusion. I'm making the assumption that blocking my histamine is also blocking whatever compensatory mechanism my body was using to correct the blood pooling so its making my cerebral hypo perfusion worse. Last time I tried a beta blocker the same thing happened. I guess the mcad is serving some purpose for getting blood flowing up to the head? Who knows. I feel so frustrated because I was feeling so good. I haven't even been on this forum in months because I've been so good. Now I'm sick as ever. It's interesting my heart rate and shortness of breath isn't worse though. Actually that is better. This dizziness is horrific though. It's like being in a boat you can't get off of :(

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Hi Julie,

I'm sorry to hear you're having problems again. If it makes you feel any better, I did the same thing. I felt great when I started taking zyrtec (Walzyr) then it stopped. My problem is that I started eating all of my trigger foods anytime I wanted. And obviously I can't do that.

FWIW tho, your symptoms now may not be related to mast cells and could be from getting a bug or something too. Have you seen your doc to get some labs drawn ?

hope you feel better soon ... d

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