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Which Comes First, Migraine Or Nmh?


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I've been diagnosed neurally mediated hypotension. I have started to realize that my dull headaches that come along with increased muscle twitching could be a migraine. During these "migraines" is when I feel worse and have more problems focusing. So, what's the research out there on this. Do I have headaches or migraines because of low blood flow to the brain or are these migraines causing autonomic dysfunction?

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It seems that many of us have migraines. Some have what are called silent migraines and we just have the visual things that seem to go along with them. I think many of us have been to doctors trying to figure out what to do for them (especially when there is a lot of pain). I think a lot of our issues are because of blood flow issues to the brain and because of that it messes up our signaling. If we could get better blood flow to the head and our brains - we may would do a whole lot better. It would also increase our oxygen possibly to our whole body and that should help venous flow throughout our body. Our heart may not have to work so hard to try to get blood and oxygen to the most essential areas.

I'm hoping that a doc I'm to see next week will have some answers. He says he knows what causes this blood flow issue and knows what to do about it. WE WILL SEE!!!


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Im seeing a nuero at the moment who i like becuase he is always looking for new answers and approaches. He came back from a conference recently in trying to look for the causes of migraine and headaches in general. He couldnt say for sure what the link is for POTs and EDS people but he did say there is a lot more to headaches and how they manifest than they origianlly thought.

The good news is they are learning more and more.

He said that there was a study done in some pain managment people, and how they do know that migraine is a nuerological desease caused by us not being able to process normal stimuli like non migrainers, sound, light, movement etc. Then he said the key word, migrainers dont "automatically" process stimuli properly. Well shock me!!!!! what does work "automatically" with a lot of us on here?????? thats the problem with all of us isnt it!!!!! They also found out that they believe when it comes to adult hood and having pain associated conditions, if you are a new born baby, you maybe be less likely to develope such chronic pain issues compared to that of an on time or late baby. Reason being new born babies are introduced to needles, tubes and pain at an early stage when our brains are developing. Quite interesting i thought. So they are at least still tring to find new reasons and links!

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I have never been a fainter with my pots, even when my heart rate would be sky high, yet when i get a bad migraine, my strength from my arms and legs just goes, my visual awarness is awful and i feel more close to fainting through migraine than low bp and and high heart rate to do with clasic POTs. Interesting read

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