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I have a Pons Lesion


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I have a Pons lesion and I was wondering if anyone else has one? For at least two years they thought I had possible MS. Well, after my spinal tap came back negative they told me that I didn't have MS. I am grateful for this. They did do a nerve test on my legs and arms (fingers etc.) I do have some mild nerve damage. Finally, they sent me to the Cleveland Clinic and then I found out I had POTS. I didn't know if my lesion on my Pons is some how related to my POTS? They really didn't say much about the lesion at the clinic. I just have to go for a MRI every year to make sure I don't have anymore or it hasn't grown. Has anyone heard of this?


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Hi Christine - I hope the lesion is not serious and just keep up with your MRI appts and follow what your doctors tell you to in order to make sure it does not get bigger - I imagine that it must be a scary thing - My mom had a brain tumor 3 years ago and had surgery to remove it - It was benign and she goes every year for a CAT Scan to make sure it has not grown back - Best of luck to you. Beth

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Thanks, Beth

I go every year to make sure nothing has changed. I guess, a lesion is like a bruise or scar tissue. Something happened for me to have this. They thought maybe I had a viral infection that exposed this lesion. They really aren't sure and it is way to deep in the brain/stem to take a better look. I hope your mom is better. I remember when I first had a CAT scan they thought I had a tumor. Actually, I have had every disease out there. It is funny, how POTS can mimick a lot of different diseases.



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