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Out Of Date Theory?eds-Blood Vesells Expanding Not Connected To Migraine?


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Just wondered what you all thought to this.

Im not sure myself what is correct and what isnt at time.

My Nuero (headache expert) told me that the theory of blood vesells expanding in the brain due to EDS and triggering Migraines, was 15 years old and out of date. There fore Midodrine, which i thought could have been adding to the the problems of migraine by the constant change of contricting and dilating appears to not be an issue.

I read so many times about the stretchy blood vesells not helping migrainers with EDS. Is this not realy relavent then?

His opinion was that POTs migrainers are more to do with a nuerological desease route cause, which was very different and what my main problme is. Shame that becuase i cant seem to fix either at the moment!!!

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For what it is worth, I was told once diagnosed with dysautonomia, that it was likely the cause of most if not all of my migraines. (Go figure, as I had been practically migraine free for a number of years and all of a sudden with no changes, I started getting frequent and then daily migraines out of the blue).

I do think that the autonomic problems can trigger conditions that lead to frequent migraines in those predisposed. That said I have been responsive to somewhat common preventative meds so far, but the side-effect profiles have not been so kind to me. Still searching for some answers - a lot of it deals with your individual makeup and any specific problems.

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I would tend to go more for the hypermobility has something to do with it theory, I am sure that folk without any connective tissue issues may well have other reasons for their migraine, but for us it seems so many of as have some very odd things going on with out blood vessels too much so to be just coincidental.

Oh my 3 children tried Midrodine very low dose but quite noticeable odd reactions, 2 of my kids had an increase in temp control problems feeling like they were burning up big time my daughter felt a huge pressure in her head but her BP was low as normal even supine. Other lad managed to up his dose till he could not deal with side effects but still his BP and HR did not change!

It is so difficult to get Dr. looking at the whole picture with us!

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