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Sleeping Ans Staying Cool


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My daughter has dysautonomia and Chiari malformation...she is having terrible problems overheating at night..despite air conditionig and cooling pads in the bed. She slept on an air mattress for a while, which helped but is finding pressure point problems...any ideas PLEASE...a worried Mum.

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I often need to put an ice pack specifically on the back of my neck in order to be able to fall asleep. I suffer from POTS and migraines and even when I don't have an active migraine, often find I need to ice pack. I have found that putting the ice pack other places doesn't work for me (and I overheat very easily). I think this placement cools blood as it is going to my brain and I think it is the key for me. Hope it might help your little girl too.

I also have an inflammatory connective tissue disease and the pressure points are horrible. I am sorry she has this problem too. I have a 3 inch memory foam matress topper and it definitely helps. But, my pain has been worse lately and I have had to resort to Tylenol PM each night to knock back the pain and to help me get sleepy. The extra anti-histamine also helps knock back my nausea a bit.

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I too have problems with inflammation and BP that is lowest at night and early in the morning. Sometimes I will wake up drenched, hair/pillow/bedding/nigh clothes and have to get into shower/changed. Never know when it is going to happen, winter or summer. I have COPD/asthma, too and find it easier for me to breathe when colder in bedroom. I have air set on 64 or 65 on hot summer nights plus the ceiling fan. I wear only light cotton nightclothes (something breathable) and high thread count cotton sheets (that feel cool when you first get in). I don't use any styrofoam padding or pillows. I use a light down blanket in winter and a cotton quilt that I can easliy kick off if too hot. My DH says he freezes (but he gets to sleep as soon as his head hits the pillow, while it takes me a good while to get to sleep). He cranks the air warmer and I try to go behind him and turn the air cooler at bedtime. In warmer weather, I use sheet and sometimes kick that off. I have a thin cotton bedspread over that and a folded quilt at the foot of the bed. DH pulls up all the bedding but using light, breathable bedding and sleepwear, I can manage with just the sheet. I feel for your family. DH complains to everybody that I'm trying to freeze him out and sometimes he gets mad. I just tell him there is a difference in being cold and not being able to breathe.

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I was constantly hot and sweating a lot when I first got sick. I found having a fan blow on me helped a lot. Just having the ac on was not always enough, but the circulation from the fan made a big difference. I also went through a lot of ice packs, I would fall asleep with one on my chest.

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I have major issues with this as well, and aside from having the air conditioning sitting on "freezing cold", I sleep with an ice pack under my pillow. If I don't do this, I wake up drenched in sweat, and can't get back to sleep. Yuck :) sorry to everyone who has to deal with this, as it is not fun.

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