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Vibration Feeling In Legs

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I have this, too. I have found no rhyme or reason for when it happens. It feels like someone is pressing a continuously vibrating phone to my lower legs. Is that how yours feel, too?

I sometimes also get this feeling in my gut and chest. Do you?

If anyone knows what this is, that would great to know. I've heard this called a "body buzz."


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  • 1 year later...
Guest Alex

I know this is an old thread, but have you guys ever figured out what was causing this? Have you found anything that helps?

Mine started shortly after I had a nerve conduction study (which came back OK, go figure) and at times it seems to be getting worse.

Anyone else dealing with this?



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Yes. This has become an increasing problem for me. It started in my legs about two years ago but has since spread throughout my entire body. It is intermittent and feels like a low level vibration or buzzing. It is as if my body has turned into a human beehive with thousands of bees buzzing around inside. It is not painful but very disconcerting just the same. I have not yet found anything that helps other then to just try and tune it out as with all the other annoying problems that have cropped up. At present I have no idea what this problem is all about but hope to have some kind of answer after my return visit to Mayo Neurologist which unfortunately won't be for a while as I made a really bad decision earlier this year in not switching insurance and will not even be allowed to make a Mayo apt until Jan 2, 2014. I would love to hear what kind of explanation anyone else has been given by docs about this problem and what might possibly relieve it. Thank you.


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I have this too since April. I ThInK it started after taking a beta blocker for five days although I am not exactly sure. I also now get fasiculations in the legs mostly. The vibrating current is how I described it. I went to MAYO for this current (and also tiny spasms and pins and needle feeling in feet) and the neurologist said just be happy its not something serious. He was well meaning, he basically by looming at me somehow ruled out the "bad stuff". He agreed that I had Central Sensitization along with POTS and they were overactive nerves. Not sure if I want to take a medicine to cover up what another medicine caused. I feel like my legs and hands are vibrating. There is even a tiny tremor. Please keep me posted on what you all find out as this is NOW my most frustrating symptom.

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Guest Alex


the human beehive sounds like the perfect description of this. Sorry to hear about the insurance issues. :( I know January seems so far away particularly when we need so many answers ... Hang in there.


I'm inclined to think that these are overactive nerves judging by what I experience. Were you offered any meds for this? If so, would you be comfortable sharing what? Did your dr offer any insight as to what (aside from pills) may be done to stop this? It really is a very frustrating symptom and my heart really goes out to all of you who have to deal with it. While drs may not see this as "something serious" it is literally nerve-racking - at least for me. I will read those articles on Central Sensitization I posted earlier today and see if I can find something that may ring a bell.

When I brought this up to my neuro's attention, he said that he has heard about others complain about this symptom following a nerve conduction study (NCS), and that most patients he has spoken to report a gradual decrease in intensity. Well it's been almost 2 months since I had my NCS and my humming/buzzing seems to get worse?!?

Come to think of it my NCS was done about 1 month after I weaned myself off propranolol and the buzzing seems to fade away if I take an occasional propranolol rescue dose...hmm, food for thought.


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Alex, me me know if the buzzing stops after the propranolol. Do you get pins and needles in feet too? Like a current going thru legs? I don't know of atenolol made this happen. Happened at the same time. He suggested lyrica, neurotin and two more. I react to so much I am so very hesitant to take medication.

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Thank you Alex. January does seem a long way off but the time seems to be passing quickly thankfully.

I'm wondering if anyone else has other new or worsening symptoms since developing this buzzing problem. In my case my pots symptoms have been steadily worsening as have been symptoms of a very painful small fiber neuropathy and symptoms of mcad which are the main reasons for my need to return to Mayo so I wonder if there is a connectedness to any of it. I have read about a buzzing feeling being associated with small fiber neuropathy. I can't think of any potential triggers to associate my buzzing/vibration feeling with. My initial thought was maybe it was related to NE surges but it does certainly feel like little overactive nerves. I can just picture them at work. Hopefully it will be just some odd temporary annoyance for all of us.


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Suthrngal I wont actually know until after Jan. 2. Scheduling dept. told me they can't schedule any of my appointments or tests until they have record of my insurance change. Since I am already an established out of state patient of Dr. Goodman I hope it wont take too long to get in but at this point I really have no idea. Since my last visit to Mayo I have been afforded the most amazing telephone support so between talking to Janie ( Dr. Goodmans nurse ) and having numerous questions answered by Dr. Goodman and having my chart updated that should I hope make things move along somewhat easier. In the meantime my Rheumatologist and Cardiologist here in California are trying to help me as best as they are able. I will definitely update you when I have new information but I'm afraid it will be a while.


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I realized I have may have misspelled Dr. Goodmans nurses name. It's probably Janey but I will have ask next time I talk with her. She is such a kind patient soul I wouldn't want to minimize her in any way.


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Yes Suthrngal. Which neurologist did you see at Mayo ?


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Sutherngal I realized after rereading your post that you did not have the most satisfactory appointment with your Mayo Neuro and I should not have asked who you had seen. In regards to neurontin as a possible treatment for the vibration feeling, I have been on and off neurontin since 2006. It was originally prescribed for shingles pain but I now take it for what is most likely neuropathic pain. Taking it has no effect on the buzzing/vibration feeling what so ever. I hope you find something helpful.


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Saw dr cascino neurologist. Did no testing.

Dr mulpuru cardiologist. All these at mayo mn.

I went for the "current" feeling and tremor and got no real answers other than it can be Central Sensitization which I am thinking is a arch all much like fibro is thrown around rather than finding out what causes it sudden inset. Wondering now about MCAS and some sort of neuropathy. Can not discern what is causing it to be worse at times although it never goes away, since April. I even feel it in my feet.

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Janet...is this vibrating actually small fiber neuropathy or are you thinking it separate?

No doc even mentioned neuropathy during my week long mayo visit. I'm not sure I understand it really.

Also how do you think. dr goodman will test you for MCAS?

Praying you get total restoration before your FEB appt.

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yes, the propranolol I took on occasions was making the buzzing stop temporarily.

The thing is, I haven't had that vibrating feeling in a while (it subsided shortly after I posted about it), so I can't help but think that it was a side effect of the nerve conduction study I had in May (or was it April?!). I know for a fact that the procedure was what started the vibration (never had that before) but I never imagined that it could take up to 2 months for it to go away.

Regardless, things are back to normal for me, no more buzzing for now - hopefully it won't come back


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Suthrngal. Dr. Goodman is a neurologist at Mayo, AZ. I saw him in 2011 for pots confirmation ( I had been diagnosed with pots originally by my cardiologist in 2006 ) and to be evaluated for autonomic neuropathy amongst other things. Dr. Goodman was spot on with his recommendations on how best to treat my condition. At that time I did not really have typical symptoms of small fiber neuropathy ( severe burning etc in feet/legs ) so that was not an issue as it is now. I didnt ask about the intermittent vibration/buzzing as it was not an issue back then either and there were too many other things to discuss. I was at Mayo 10 days, saw 6 different doctors, had more diagnostic tests then I care to remember but it was well worth it in the end. At this point I don't even want to guess at what I think any of this buzzing/vibrating might relate to or correlate with. In regards to diagnostic testing for MCAS I suppose ordering the labs that are referenced in the MCAS article in the Dysautonomia Newsletter and referral to an immunologist maybe. I'm not exactly sure. Other forum members that are Dr. Goodman patients have posted about going back and having MCAS concerns addressed by him.

Thanks for your prayers Suthrngal. I will keep you in mine.


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II am much closer to Arizona and Minnesota wondering if I should schedule an appointment with Dr. Goodman? So he helps you with your pots and also other neurological symptoms? When I went to Mayo Minnesota I saw a general and turn on medicine doctor and then he set up appointments with neurology, Gastro etc. I'm fairly certain with this tremor/current that I need a neurologist and I've already seen one locally so wondering about that

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Suthrngal I can't really advise one way or the other but I can say that for myself Dr. Goodman was immensely helpful and I would highly recommend him. I'm not sure if as a new patient you can schedule an appointment directly with him. I was referred to him by a local Neurologist. Dr. Goodman then referred me to an Internist in consultative medicine and she then referred me to a number of other specialists and ordered a huge number of diagnostic tests. I think that is pretty much the norm for an out of state patient. As a return patient though one can call Neurology dept. directly and schedule an appointment which is what I will do this time.

Alex that's wonderful that your buzzing/vibrating problem has disappeared. What a relief it must be. Hopefully you wont be troubled with it again.


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