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Mcas, Histamine, Salicylates And Detoxification Issues??

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Hi all,

I am on the MCAS journey and trying to figure out why food can make me feel worse. Over the years I typically felt better after I made a change in my diet (eliminated soda, eliminated fast food, eliminated milk for 6 months then reintroduced milk. Had issues again several years later, so switched to almond milk. Eliminated packaged foods, Increased protein, gluten free made me feel worse, then found that low gluten works best for me, increased fruits and veggies , etc.

Now I am finding that some of these healthy foods seem to be linked to my symtoms. I am sorting out histamine, but it only explains part of my issues. I am finding that salycilates may be another piece of that puzzle, at least for me. The discussions on histamine on here as well as a few other forums I am on, keeps pointing me to broken detoxificaiton pathways, ie body can't break down the metabolites. Sometimes when my bucket isn't too full, I can get away with eating XYZ, but at other times, in stress, weather changes, my period, I can't get away with anything.

My numerous medication/food preservative/FD&C dye intolerances/triggers contain sulfa or are a direct mast cell degranulator. I've been reading up on sulfa detox pathways, but there are some missing chunks for me in the science.

I have had sucess with herbal based detoxification programs in the past, but issues when I tried to reintroduce milk thistle to assist my liver in detoxing. Has anyone looked into detoxification issues and how they are related to our symtoms? Any thoughts are appreciated. Would love to hear your experiences.

Thanks, Lyn

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I do think there could be liver issues with detox. I had testing done years ago on my liver function and it was found that my P450 pathways don't work properly. That means that meds and herbs/supplements will build up and recirculate and I don't throw them off properly. So, when a person can take one of something - I can only take 1/4 of it and I still might have a strong reaction to it.

I can however, use milk thistle and believe it has helped me all these years to keep my liver as good as it is. I do have a liver lesion and also a fatty liver. No one seems to be able to explain either of these problems. But, I'm finding out it is pretty common with a lot of POTS people.


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