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Gastritis Hanging In There...how Long Will This Take To Heal?

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Sorry, kids, just need to vent. My NSAID-induced gastritis has been going on 2 1/2 weeks and is still causing me to vomit daily, nausea all the time, and eating anything is a chore. I started prilosec 2 x day 10 days ago, helped a little but not much. Stopped the NSAIDs a week ago and saw some improvement, but I'm still yacking.

For those with tummy issues, is this typical? I've read on-line that gastritis can take awhile to heal, but yeeesh, at this rate I'll be down to my high school weight in no time! I'm not doing much but laying around in bed because my tummy feels so yucky, I have no energy, oh, and my body is still adjusting to the Klonopin w/d.

Have a call into the doc to see if there is anything else I can do besides the prilosec, the low-acid diet (I am SICK of bananas and potatoes!!!!), and the papaya smoothies (thanks, girls) that seem to help a little but are not kicking this thing. :(

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I am praying for you!!! I seem to be going through the same stuff as you :( however, my nausea isn't as bad as the day progresses. I am going to attempt to switch taking my lexapro from at night to in the morning. I've been up since 2a.m, that's when the nausea started today :( yuck!!! Praying for a better tomorrow for the both of us!!!

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