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I seen my GI and neurologist today. They both think my nausea is related to pots. I was told to stay out of heat because my sweat test showed I don't sweat over 80% of my body. I am to start Midodrine 5 mg twice a day for a week to see how it helps. What are the side effects I should be watching for? I also got meds for migraines but my insurance has to approve it. I'm scheduled for an EMG, anyone have that?

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When I started midodrine I think the side effects were mostly feeling like my skin had goose bumps and my scalp was itchy. There were a couple more that I can't remember but those only lasted a few days and then went away. The itchy scalp stayed for the 2 years I've been taking it.

Good luck with it. It helped me a lot.

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Hi Michelle - my 2 cents on this. While on midodrine I'd have goosebumps allover my body, I'd feel cold, so i'd need extra layers of clothing or an extra blankie, my scalp would itch, and I'd get some occasional minor stomach aches and leg cramps. Also my bp and heart rate spiked. In terms of how high is too high that's a question for your dr, as everyone is different. I can only tell you mine went up to 156/96, but was ok according to my dr.

I hope this helps.

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I almost forgot - you are nit supposed to be lying down for at least 4 hours after taking it, and by all means you should not take the last dose of the day less than 4 hours before going to bed, as midodrine is known to increase your supine (lying down) blood pressure. I learned the hard way :) as I didn't read the leaflet that came with the prescription.

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