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Getting Up And Down A Lot Makes My Pots Worse??


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If I have to stand up and sit down a lot..like I go to the pharmacy (in and out of car) and then go to the doc (in and out of car, stand to sign in, sit, get up to pay copay, sit, get up to go to exam rm), I seem to have much more of a problem than if I get up and stay up. Does anyone else esperience this problem?

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Yes, absolutely! I don't notice it as much when out running errands or at appointments, but I definitely notice it around the house. I have a 16-month old and two huge dogs, so it is always, up-down-up-down all day. I have taken a cue from my son and sometimes crawl from one side of the room to the other, for example to let a dog in or out, answer the phone, etc. It is easier than having all of those POTS-y feelings from getting up for just a couple of minutes. Of course, you can't do that while out in public...

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OMG.. Yes. I pretty much never "get up" when I am out because I am in a wheelchair... but at home any "up and down" makes all of my symptoms worse. I can't "walk" so all of my mobility is like Wendy's.... I crawl or scoot. However, even crawling doesn't "stop" my syncope but at least I am closer to the ground when it happens :) I will say though after doing this for over 4 months now.. it is really taking a toll on my poor knees... they are both always bruised up and swollen and for some reason I just have a feeling that going through 2 knee surgeries right now just wouldn't really my situation... lol. That's just a guess :P Because, my house is not at ALL wheelchair accessible I am trying to look into options where I can move around when I need to... but I can't be completely upright because of extreme hypotensive- and such quick syncope that I really have no warning. But by the end of the day, my symptoms are awful because of the strain of getting up and down as much as I can.


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this makes my PoTS symptoms worse too, and since getting my wheelchair my symptoms have eased off slightly (as long as i dont overdo it)- i think cos i'm not standing up so often. i have to stand to get my chair out of my flat's front door but from that point on i stay sat down. usually by the time i get to teh shops i've been up and down like a jack-in-the-box and so usually faint as soon as i tried to walk around, now i can usually stay conscious enough to get what i needed and get home safely :)

as long as i dont have to stand up i dont feel so bad. i figure i'm just not designed to be bipedal! :lol:

fi xx

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I thought long and hard about this and realized that this was what was making going to classes so difficult for me. I was having to get up, be functional, then sit for 30 min, get up--- and so on and so forth. To get around I was having to stand and walk long enough to get my symptoms all riled up, then sit (but not long enough or just barely long enough to recover). In situations like this, I may be somewhat symptom free for the first 10-15 min of walking or standing, but once I have symptoms and sit, the next time I stand I am right back to the symptoms in no time. I've written before that I have very little brainfog on days that I do only minimal standing (1-2 min. here and there throughout the day)-- I can sit clear-minded for hours when I am not on my feet. However, it seems like after that first longer period of sustained standing (could be 10-15, even 5 min sometimes) no matter how long I rest to recover my mental clarity doesn't seem to recover.

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Yup Defo for me too!

Couldnt understand how my symptoms got so much worse when I went back into college after being out on hospital ward experience last semester.

It was the getting up and down every 30-40 mins in classes. When im on the wards im constantly on my feet and moving so my body, althou tachy, doesnt get put thru as much fluctuations with Sitting-standing and vice versa. Defo less symptomatic when im not doing that!.

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