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Neurologist Appointment Question


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I apologize because this similar question gets posted a lot I'm sure but I'm going to ask anyways instead of trying to use the search box and weed through bunches of posts.

I have an upcoming neurologist appointment in early December. Those of you who see a neurologist for your dysautonomia, what are some tests they run or have ran on you? What other tests unrelated to dysautonomia did they perform to rule out other issues?



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Between my original neuro and my POTS neuro they have done the following:

MRI and MRA to rule out MS, Parkinson's, aneurism, tumors, other brain and or vascular brain abnormalities

Bloodwork to rule in/out autoimmune disease, B12 deficiency, AIDS, celiac, syphillis, tick-borne illness, heavy metal poisoning, thyroid issues, adrenal issues (Cushings/Addisons),

ECG (?) to rule out seizure disorders (I think its ECG but they hook electrodes that monitor your brain waves all over your head and do various things like different sounds etc. to see if you have any seizure activity. Easy and painless.)

I was sent for sleep studies (nighttime and daytime).

After receiving the POTS dx via tilt table test which was run by cardiologist, the POTS specialist ran the following tests specific to dysautonomia:

TTT that continuously monitors heart rate and BP (as opposed to standard TTT that takes readings about every 3-5 minutes).

Breathing tests to see if different breathing patterns changed my BP or HR.

Sweat Test to check for neuropathy.

I know I have actually missed some but these are the ones that immediately come to mind.

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Thank you so much. That is exactly what I was looking for. I wanted an idea of what others had been tested for so if I need to ask for something or suggest we get screened for this or that. I've had my TTT, MRI, basic CBC blood work, my lyme test was fine.....I don't remember what else right now

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