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New Neck pain...


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Hi yall..

In another thread I mentioned that an MRI a couple years ago showed a reverse curvature of my C-spine and a bulging disc at C5/6...

Well, day before yesterday I woke up with my neck really hurting bad. I figured I just slept on it wrong. It was very stiff all day, almost like the muscles were just tight and needed to be stretched. Today, most of the pain is resolved, but it has left behind another pain I've never felt before.

This pain is dull but specific in location - about three fingers up from the prominent bony part of the spine at the base of the neck - and it increases significantly anytime I cough, bend over, sneeze, etc. Even clearing my throat or swallowing makes it flare up.

Is this something I should be concerned about, or could it be muscle spasms?

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titch, titch, now Janet... you know I'm going to tell you to see a neurologist, don't you?

In the mean time, try some ice--if it helps, it's probably nerve inflamation/compression...but again, that's for a neuro to tell you. The stinky part is that they'll probably want to do an EMG. I have one on Monday morning... not the nicest way to start my week, but when it's done, it's done.

Get thee to the physician my ol' friend. :)


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My GP told me he's going to refer me to the neuro/headache specialist here. I haven't gotten the call for the appointment, and have no idea how long it might take to get in to see him.

Is this urgent enough that I should do something sooner than, say, a couple months from now? It might take that long to get in to the neuro.

Ich, EMGs are awful. I had one done when they diagnosed carpal tunnel. I'd forgotten about that, it's been so long ago...

I'll try the ice tonight and see if that helps. A bit of reading on the subject seems to indicate that it's either due to the bulging disc or possibly it has fully slipped now. Crud!

Just when I thought I had all my medical problems relatively under control... *sigh*

Hope your EMG passes quickly and with as little pain as possible.. *hugs*

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It should not hurt you to touch the spine area--it's something you should get checked out sooner, not later. I had the same localized pain when I herniated the current threesome I've got going on.

BTW, I'm a bit cranky today b/c despite the fact that my pain mgt doc wrote for a strong pain killer to help me cope with my spinal and neck pain, my regular pharmacist wasn't in, and the substitute pharmacist refused to fill it b/c she couldn't verify the Rx w/ the doc. Great. (not) My pain doc is on vacation for 2 weeks!! GRRRRRR. Thank goodness I have some stuff at home--not as strong, but it'll have to hold me over.


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I hate that. I had a similar experience when I went to refill my butalbital a couple months ago. The script was written by my (now retired) prior GP, and they wouldn't refill it. They'd also lost the prescription my new GP had given to replace it... so I lived in fear of getting a headache for three days while they got around to calling my new GP...

Peace to your pain.

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