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So Sick, Afraid I Am Going To Dehydrate

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I seem to have picked up a stomach bug from somewhere. It started Friday night and it is still with me. Every time I drink or eat something it feels like I have been punched in the stomach. :( I am so afraid I am going to dehydrate because it hurts to even drink water. And then I am running back and forth to the bathroom.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I really am trying to avoid a major POTS attack.

Thank you,


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Angelika, if it were me, I wouldn't try to eat anything just yet. Just fluids until the diarrhea slows down. Can you tolerate coconut water? It has good electrolytes. I would try something like that rather than plain water if you can. Or maybe a sports drink. Also, when I was sick, drinking through a straw was easier for some reason and I could get more down that way. I hope you feel better soon!

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I agree with Songcanary. Avoid solid foods. Drink sport drinks with electrolytes to keep you hydrated and sip it over crushed ice or through a straw. Also if you can get your hands on a bottle of Cola Cola Syrup not just the pop/soda and sip it over crushed ice, it will help slow things down and settle your stomach. Rest is also important. Once you are able to take in solids, start with the so called "brat" diet-bananas, white rice, dry plain toast or soda crackers. Hope you feel better soon.

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