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Bowen Therapy

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I was researching about the autonomic nervous system and came across something called "bowen therapy". It is an alternative treatment for many ailments and supposedly helps many people. It was originated, I think it said, in Australia. Has anyone heard or this or tried it maybe?

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I certainly have! I have a LMT around who is a huge fan and very experienced with Bowen and knows a lot about dysautonmia. Funny you should bring up Bowen, I just went for a round of Bowen earlier today. Sessions are typically once a week for a few weeks, after that your body is really supposed to start training itself. It helps the most with my anxiety and over-sensititivty to lights and noise. It also helps me digest food easier. The downside is the day after and the night of, I typically have headaches and some soreness. Also during the process I do experince some light-headedness, but I am laying down so it's never a huge issue and I have a very understanding LMT. My biggest tip would be drink a TON of water after to help flush out the toxins.

Bowen is typically used on people with ailments without an explatination or cure. But is also used on TMJ (cured my mom's in 5 weeks), arthritis, anxiety, IBS, etc. I would highly reccomend it to anyone, it can't hurt at all and it has helped me a lot.

Hope that helps, if you have any questions let me know I am a big believer in Bowen, as is my mom and grandmother.

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Lieze.... did you feel differently after you tried it on yourself :)?

jjbaker..... thanks for your response. How ironic! I am really thinking about it now. Was that your first time trying it or how many times have you done it?, i know you said your mom and grandmother both have as well. Now I'm all excited. What area do you live? I looked up people in my area and I can only find a few.



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misstraci... I have tried it twice now, and had it yesterday and I am fairly sore now and don't feel as well as I had hoped, but I am going back next week anyways. I live in Rochester, NY but actually go to an LMT in Brockport, NY who has amazing prices and is such a diamond in the ruff in a tiny town.

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I'm not sure what if anything it would do for any presyncope type issues, but I often tense my muscles and have a lot if knots in my shoulders and I crave a back rub just to ease the tension. Any type of touch or massage seems to help.

We were gifted a chair massage several years ago at work and afterwards I felt like a completely different person and the feeling lasted all day. My tension was gone. I had all kinds of feel good chemicals floating around in my body and I thought wow if I could do this on a regular basis it

seemed as if it would make a dramatic improvement on my life. The drawbacks for me were the cost and I would have needed childcare since I had little ones.

I didn't end up pursuing it just because I was not a big enough priority.

I still fantasize about being able to go for a massage.

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jjbaker....how do you feel now?!

lieze.... that's cool about getting the chair massage at work. I also crave a back rub always. I've never been to a real place. I have my boyfriend rub my back before but he's not a big fan of that so,....

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I went yesterday for a session of bowen therapy. It was an interesting experience. I don't feel remarkably better but I was told it's a gradual process that your nervous system works itself out and realigns itself over the course of several days. Make sure to drink lots of water (check, already do that) and do not do too much strenuous or extreme things (no heating pads, cold compress, heavy heavy lifting, no sitting for long periods, etc). Well, not sure if it will help at all but it was surely worth a try, I'll try anything to feel better :)

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jjbaker....how do you feel now?!

lieze.... that's cool about getting the chair massage at work. I also crave a back rub always. I've never been to a real place. I have my boyfriend rub my back before but he's not a big fan of that so,....

I felt great after, and was supposed to return the next week for it, but did not feel up to going to I'm kind of back where I started. I only had one complete treatment, and like you said you need a couple of re-train your nervous system. But I'm so glad you went I hope it works for you!

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