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Appointment W/goodman At Mayo Arizona

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Some of you may remember that I had a previous appointment with Dr. Goodman at Mayo Arizona. I got there but had a horrendous heart blockage as soon as I entered the building and ended up spending the entire week in the hospital, getting a pacemaker and dealing with a punctured lung (surgeon's error). Didn't see Goodman or anybody else at Mayo. Well, I finally got up my courage and my $$$ to try it again, and I'm scheduled for early September. As an old lady and as a survivor of that previous experience, I'm nervous about the whole thing--but I'm going, no matter what. I hope you will give me your loving support. I'll write afterwards and let you know all about Dr. Goodman. I appreciate all the info and backup I get from Dinet. Love to you all--Caroline

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Hi Caroline,

What a challenge you have in front of you, but be encouraged and be strong.

Dr. Goodman is surely the most patient doctor I've ever met (and I'm a nurse, so I've met a lot). He will give you an opportunity to say everything that you need to say before he starts to speak, so have your thoughts prepared, but I'm sure that you will.

Let us know how it goes,


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