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How Much Does Missing 1 Dose Of Florinef Affect You


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My son missed his Florinef yesterday. He has been doing really good, quite active and pushing himself a bit. Today I couldn't get him up and now that he is up he is really lethargic, but I did make sure he took his florinef on time about 9 AM today and I was wondering how much effect missing that 1 dose could have or if it us just the "normal" ups and downs of POTS.

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I suppose it depends upon the dose somewhat...Florinef has a pretty long half-life...so he'll still have some floating around even if he misses a dose. But, Florinef isn't something you can just stop out of the blue at higher doses, so I suspect that his body wasn't ready to compensate for the reduced serum levels.

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I had huge issues when I skipped a dose. It's why I quit taking it, but it took me over a month to taper off of.

I might be wrong but from what I understand Florinef is a corticosteroid, specifically aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone that is made by your body. What happens when you take Florinef is that you body recognizes that there is enough aldosterone already and decreases it's production. Therefore if you miss a dose you don't have enough aldosterone in you body and your symptoms will increase.

I missed a dose and got very sick; shaking, vomiting, weak, exhausted, etc - as soon as I took the missed dose I felt better. So yes, i think one missed dose can be detrimental.

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