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Bp & Hr Has Me So Confused

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My BP and heart-rate has me so confused these days. A few weeks ago...I would wake up in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat with my heart pounding away...HR racing up to 100/110 BPM trying to get my blood pressure up. My resting HR might be somewhere around 80-90 BPM and I was dizzy and anxious all the time...lot's of tremors, etc.

I've since upped my fluid intake and started Florinef .1mg...and now my resting HR can be as low as 45-50 BPM. I don't have nearly the anxiety I did a few weeks ago (less adrenalin need??)...but this low HR stuff is bothering me. For example, when I went to bed last night, I took my vitals: 106/58 @ 44 BPM (lying down). When I woke up this morning, it was 113/63 @ 62 BPM (lying down). Upon standing, my vitals were 130/85 @ 74 BPM. Now...sitting down after breakfast and drinking a cup of coffee(!)...I'm at 132/84 @ 62 BPM. I guess I don't understand how my HR can be so low now. Is there an adjustment period to the Florinef...my body now realizing that it doesn't need to work as hard to maintain BP anymore?

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