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Muscle Twitches, Involuntary Toe Movements - Anyone?


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After struggling to get through a five hour work shift on my feet ~ I drove home and plopped down on the heating pad and took my meds for OI and pain etc... I had pulled off my sox and low and behold as I look down at my feet -- All 10 toes were moving all about on their own! Moving right to left, front to back -- every single toe! I remember seeing a few little twitches a couple years ago on one foot with a couple of toes and forgot about it. I was so shocked I wanted to take a video LOL ---

So of course I check on the net and find a syndrome - no joke - called Painless Moving Toe Syndrome. With it's alter ego - the Painful Moving Toe Syndrome. OMGosh this syndrome was first found in the late 1950's I think it said. The case studies of the people with the Painful sort were very hard to read because the pain for the patients was excruciating and unrelenting.

Now I know I hurt from head to toe so to speak when I make attempts at working like a 'normal' person...I end up limping, dizzy, so sore, nauseated etc... But it's not at all localized to 'ouch my legs specifically are truly hurting worse than the rest of me'...

So I wouldn't even know if I fit into one of the two syndromes or not....

Just In Case you hadn't heard a "whopper" of a symptom group that would have most of the world view you 'a wee bit touched' --- I offer you this over the top silly symptom. Anyone else have toes that dance on their own with no music? Should we do a video? lol

My research on the net had me stumble across various unnerving major neurological causations such as ALS and MS etc... Happily I have no fear of any of that and whatever is 'is'.... But for the most part I think the wiggly toes will just stay as they are 'wiggly' and life will proceed 'as usual'..... And of course if I learn anything valuable from a doc or two I'll let you know....

But just the thought of seeing my doctor for 'Moving Toes' is really dicey.... "Well you see doc ~ I was trying to help you out and discover new overlooked symptoms that would be the missing puzzle piece to my mysterious ailments...and AHA Just Like That! I watched my own toes for over ten minutes doc! Ten Minutes! And do you know they were just moving all over the place! You know doc? Like just wiggling all around to beat the band!"

Meanwhile .............. Okay -- So seriously do any of you have odd twitches or what they call sometimes fasiculations? Thanks!

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Now that takes the cake. Perhaps your toes want you to become a dancer or maybe merge the two in your new profession - 'The Ballerina Chef.'

I have had fascilations in varying degrees in many parts of my body - it can be fascinating to watch if it is someplace like your arm. You almost wonder, though, if the cat will attack as it is that kind of movement under the surface like when you move a finger slowly under a blanket for their amusement/exercise.

Generally I think they are painless but if it is minor that pain would get swallowed up in background pain noise. You might want to check out this blog description of pain charts in order to give a good description to your MD

Hope your twinkling toes settle down and allow you to sleep. Watch out for bears.


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LOL - Reen you are the best! Did you ever "disclose" your built in cat amusements to a physician? I'm afraid to tell mine cuz it sounds so so weird.... Of course he already knows that LOL... I'll give a look to the link you provided - thanks! Yes again tonight they are quite busy - almost to the point of foot cramps - but nothing horrible at all.... A minor thing to endure - but the meaning - I get hung up on so wanting to know the big picture if there is one... Yes perhaps a late-life vocation to dance! Wonder if that means I can have a few more chocolate kisses as my trusty toes are burning more calories than ever before. Poor toes - we take them for granted - and in my case they are speaking up about the situation ;-) Dysautonomia - EDS - and now twinkle toes - who'd have thought!

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The ones on my arm were actually witnessed by doc.

I think warm epsom salt foot bath is in order. The magnesium should be helpful.

I have had occasion where they've gotten out of control and not allowed me to sleep and I use a muscle relaxant to try and tame them a bit. Knock on wood it has been a while.

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