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Hypodermoclysis, How Come No One Has Treid This?

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I was looking into the whole IV Fluid thing for Pots and the reason doctors dont like to prescribe this type of treatment, Well after reading all the possible effects of infection and the extent of the canula insertion I actually dont blame them. I then came across an article on how doctors sometimes use hypodermoclysis(subqutaneous fluids ) fluids given under the skin by a much smaller needle than the one used in intervenous fluids, the very same as how an insulin pen is given. so a small butterfly needle is inserted under the skin vertually no pain involved then a drip is attached and given over what ever time your doctor recommends. This is a very safe, painless, inexpensive, way of blood volume expansion. and doctors dont usually have a problem giving paitents a prescription for this to be done at home. I think anyone that has a good doctor that is willing to help should ask for this. hypodermoclysis which means fluids given under the skin, as apose to the every day IV fluids, so think of it as subq fluids.

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well you see doctors recommend that we drink more oral fluids in order to expand our blood volume, this route is not directly into the vascular system either, which would suggest that any fluid intake by the body is a sourse of blood volume expansion. The fuild is actually pretty well absorbed by the layer of fatty tissue under the skin, which infact is the preferred route doctors recommend for elderly patients as intravenous route is more difficult to achive in your later years. ;)

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how many bags of iv fluids do pots patients usually have? each bag of fluid is a litre which directly into a vein isnt a problem but subcutaneously would have to be given over such a long amount of time that i would imagine it would be very restricting and involve a lot of equiptment as iv fluids can work with gravity but subcutaneous delivery would need some kind of driver i would think?

From caring for patients with subcutaneous medication delivery i can say its not without pain or risk of infection.

I do also wonder wether the extremely slow absorption of fluids this way means its not suitable in pots or would require continual infusion which would mean loss of mobility and quality of life? not sure just my thought but i woukld be interested to see where this heads.x

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