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Okay Noted The Sequence Of What Just Happened


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Up with activity. (for a long time hours here cleaning and doing at a slow pace)

Am upset and stressed that I have to work today (I so do not want to go-I know it's a set up I'm going to kick myself into a major episode.)

First a felt a tingly sensation in my chest/torso area.

The feeling went directly to my head and started a lightheaded feeling.

Next I noticed the pulse got thready then I got the feeling of weakness right in the heart chest region.

Next it hit my gut.

Tummy started to ache and grumble and maybe cramp a little.

Sat down vitals 108/58 88

The feelings were on the mild side but difficult to just ignore

Oh and by the time I sat down I feel some tightness in the chest like I cannot take a full breath.

Turning into more brain fog lack of mental clarity and now into a headache that is increasing in intensity.

Sitting now for a while and I feel like I just want to lay down and go to sleep.

BP now 82/51 pulse 86.

I have eaten today and been drinking.

The only meds I have taken were that Xanax yesterday .006 mg.

The Xanax can have a weird effect the next day and make you feel a bit strange I'm used to that.

I think I'll try to flood myself with fluids and rest as much as I can.

Oh I so don't want to do this today!!

I'm definitely in a stupor.

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