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No remissions here, but I know I'm doing better at controlling my symptoms. I have fluctuations in symptoms depending on the time of year (whenever the weather shifts from warm to cold in winter, or from cold to warm in summer, I have 2 months of pretty bad symptoms, mostly pain).

There have been 2 times I've dealt with bradycardia. The first time was a month after getting back from Mayo and I was overenthusiastic about salt and fluids. When I laid down at night, I found it hard to breathe and my pulse pressure was very wide with a pulse 38-low 40's. Not fun. The other time was while I was on Mestinon and would have periods of severe chest pain, high BP and bradycardia.

I'm on a low dose of carvedilol which does help with the tachycardia, flushing, jitters, etc. I have adequate kidney function and have learned how to spread my doses so I have a pretty even blood level all and night. Without carvedilol, standing BP is 140/90's pulse 120. With carvedilol, standing BP is 110's/80's pulse 100's. Lying down is pretty much the same with or without carvedilol: 110/60 pulse 55-65. For me, the greatest benefit of my BB is less chest pain and a bit less flushing.

I hope you can figure out your BB regimen soon! Bradycardia can cause less cardiac output and less perfusion just like tachycardia, and can feel really bad! :( Let us know how it goes. I'm glad you've got such a knowledgeable family member to help you! :P

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I don't know if I call what I experience remissions or not, but sometimes I will have part of a day where I feel "normal" and even a few days in a row where I am able to do more than usual without feeling bad, unfortunately, it does not last. It feels like a mind game to me, because I tell myself, its just a few good days, but I am always so upset when a bad day or days follow several good. As for the beta blocker, my pulse runs anywhere from 60 to 96 on the med, but I feel better when it is in the 60 to 80 range, when I wake up in the morning and feel bad, that is usually a day my pulse is up, but not always. I tried to go off my beta blocker, with my drs approval to try, so I cut the dose in half. It did not work out, first day was okay, but by the second and third day, hr was up and I was feeling bad. I am persistant, so I tried three different times, but same result, so I will accept it, but for you maybe you can reduce. Good luck.

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