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Histamine Reactions At Work?

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Anyone with a clue to what is happening?

3 hours into my shift I had another one.

It was not as bad had not eaten onion or garlic-I think that was just the icing on the cake last time.

But 3 hours in-my heart felt like it was not keeping up, increased to 120.

Felt bad started getting the bathroom urges.

Face especially was itching, lips, ears, scalp.

Breathing not so difficult off and on mostly.

A light pain pressure in chest nothing major or scary.

Felt like a POTS episode with an itch.

As I began to feel better -took bp up to 120/77 high for me but I know normal so I didn't worry.

pulse 87.

So whatever acrobatics my body was doing straightened out my vital signs it just felt horrible.

I probably had to just sit for 20-30 minutes and felt out of it longer.

The itching lasted for hours.

Did not take anything have not taken anything for 3 days.

I'm starting to itch again just thinking about it.

I was able to finish my shift.

This part doesn't make sense to me-how can I have these episodes and then totally be fine after?

Is there anything I should try to take prior to going into work? OR during an episode which I just get scared and drink water.

I found something online last night connecting an anxiety and histamine connection and that high histamine levels can cause anxiety.

I'm stumped.

I work again tomorrow in a different part of the building should be easy only 8 people to take care of.

I don't work again then until the very end of the month.

I am so glad my schedule is not hectic.

I'd like to try to control this if possible and just work a minimum of days if necessary.

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Well it could be. I really didn't have an appetite.

And almost felt sick to my stomach.

Like if I did eat I'd be sick.

I just took a minimal amount of Benadryl -haven't taken it for years because I'm itching now for some weird reason.

There was a lady online that said she was taking Benadryl and it was helping her allergy and histamine levels-not sure if this will work for me or not?

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As you had itching and breathing issues it does sound like it could be an allergy or histamine related episode (have you read the many threads about MCAD - Mack's Mom has posted lots of info). If histamine is the cause then an anti-histamine medication should help the symptoms. One of the newer non-sedating antihistamines like cetirizine might be best so that you don't get drowsy at work. It might be worth taking one prophylactically before your shift?


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