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Can Getting Really Scared Trigger A Flare?


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Sorry for the rush of questions, I finally have a few minutes! :blink: What I am wondering is if anyone knows if getting really scared can trigger a POTS flare. I just wish I could remember the exact order of events, but my daughter got REALLY scared about the time that her POTS came back. Could this be a trigger? I am afraid to even ask her Dr. in front of her because it was her older brother that did it to her, and I don't want her to "blame" him for her recent difficulties. He meant to scare her, but certainly didn't mean to cause this.

The "fight or flight" mechanism is what I am thinking about.

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It just made sense to me. This is what happened.... She was taking a shower before school one day. My husband and I were already both at work so she was home alone. We live in the country. When she was in the shower, someone came and banged on the bathroom door really loud. It totally freaked her out. Then she heard someone walking upstairs, but no voices. She stayed in the shower for 15 minutes too afraid to come out. Then she thought, if they were going to kill her, they would have done it by then, so she decided to get out of the shower. Poor thing! So, she mustered up enough courage and came out of the bathroom. Her brother (who hasn't lived at home for 3 years and is now married) was still there thinking he was pretty funny.

I was afraid that a little prank between siblings might have caused her POTS to flare, but as I said, I don't want my daughter to hold it against her brother or for him to feel badly, so I don't know if I will mention it to the dr. or not.

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Yes! Anything that causes an adrenal surge or stress can bring mine on. You can't totally avoid either. But the calmer life can be the better.

Issie, how long until things improve after a fright induced flare for you?

That depends on how badly the situation is. I recently broke my foot off my leg and am having lots of problems right now. The pain meds are messing me up. That would have thrown anyone for a loop. People don't realize how sensitive a persons nerveous system is when their autonomic one is messed up. I feel that most people with POTS are on the sensitive side anyway. I read a good book , title something like "the canary syndrome". Like the miners carry a bird into the mine to see if the air is good or bad. If the bird dies, it's bad air. Well, some peoples systems are that sensitive. I don't know if we're just more "perfect" (Ha!Ha!) or we're just more tuned in to differences. It will depend on her ability to recover and for her adrenals to settle down. We all need reassurance and to feel safe. Time really does help. Sorry about the incidence, but you know "kids will be kids". It's what we do with our siblings. She may need a little something for anxiety. When I was in the hospital for this break, they gave me Ativan. Recently I had a discussion with TXPOTS, who is an x pharmicist. It was recommended to use Klonipin. I guess allot of POTS people find that helpful. Look back at that discussion. Keep me posted.

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I think any stress has the potential to make it worse.

I was recently worried about my job-they did away with a position and I was walking on eggshells.

I had to go to work and I felt like it was my last days there. I was getting all types of physical symptoms and they seem so much more exaggerated than normal anxiety. My right hand was going numb as I brushed my teeth and I had to tell myself this was just butterflies.

I know fearing the end of my career there was the source but these were real physical symptoms. I also feel my whole body shake almost like shivers just from normal anxiety.

Everything does seem that more exaggerated since our systems are that much more sensitive.

I just had to really talk to myself that whole time but there was no real thought process involved the anxiety went straight to physical symptoms for me.


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The other thing that sets me off is just when my kids start goofing around and get out of hand.

While in the car too if they start screaming or chattering it up.

I just about lose it and start feeling symptoms.

I think our thresholds are way much lower for handling stress.


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