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Psyched My Body Out-very Interesting


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well I think I kind of out smarted myself today?

I'm not so sure.

I needed to go to the grocery for just a few supper items.

I am still at a point where all outings are a bit stressful for me triggers anxiety.

So I went out and got in the car sure enough there I went. Felt like I could wilt like a flower, heart started beating irregular, even started the engine but turned it directly off came in and laid down instead.

Symptoms stayed very mild but it felt good to just lay down. Waited 20-30 minutes took my blood pressure was still running 90/50 pulse was regular.

Felt so drowsy like I could just fall asleep. Visualized taking a nap waking up feeling refreshed-then going to the store.

So after I don't know maybe 45 minutes got up to try it again. Got in the car nothing!

I did fine all the way, all the way through the store which was as I promised myself a very short trip. Just got maybe a dozen things. And home again with a smile on my face because I totally avoided symptoms. I didn't get that short of breath feeling or the gas feeling sorry so much info.

So I"m curious since most of my at least anxiety happens when I have to be somewhere. Obviously I can't do that if I am scheduled to work which I am not really ever just the every other weekend. Yeah I've been symptomatic on the way and getting there. I wish there was a way to work more dry runs into my routine.

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I know what you mean, I started looking for psych drs to get an eval and went into a stinkin panic attack just thinking about driving on the interstate to get where this guy was OMG I don't drive, my brain doesn't work half the time, the other half it just naps and I wonder where it went lol

Funny how things that make us anxious or stressed can cause these symtpoms isnt it? I haven't driven but once since last June, but just the thought of it made me panic - all I can think about is fainting again driving and I know in my mind I don't drive anymore, but it's still there how weird is that :blink:

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well I think I kind of out smarted myself today?

I'm not so sure.

I needed to go to the grocery for just a few supper items.

I am still at a point where all outings are a bit stressful for me triggers anxiety.

So I went out and got in the car sure enough there I went. Felt like I could wilt like a flower, heart started beating irregular, even started the engine but turned it directly off came in and laid down instead.

Symptoms stayed very mild but it felt good to just lay down. Waited 20-30 minutes took my blood pressure was still running 90/50 pulse was regular.

Felt so drowsy like I could just fall asleep. Visualized taking a nap waking up feeling refreshed-then going to the store.

So after I don't know maybe 45 minutes got up to try it again. Got in the car nothing!

I did fine all the way, all the way through the store which was as I promised myself a very short trip. Just got maybe a dozen things. And home again with a smile on my face because I totally avoided symptoms. I didn't get that short of breath feeling or the gas feeling sorry so much info.

So I"m curious since most of my at least anxiety happens when I have to be somewhere. Obviously I can't do that if I am scheduled to work which I am not really ever just the every other weekend. Yeah I've been symptomatic on the way and getting there. I wish there was a way to work more dry runs into my routine.

Hmmmm. Lieze, your symptoms remind me of my son's before he was DXed and on a good treatment plan. I see that you have POTS symptoms, but I suspect that you may also have NMH/NCS. That's when your BP drops inexplicably and you feel awful before it happens. Outings (even really good ones- like going to a skateboard park) would set off an episode for my son. It would happen even if a friend was coming over. That anticipation would set off a BP drop. My son's BP didn't drop until 35 minutes on his TTT. Yours dropped pretty quickly. 90/50? Mack's ped at Hopkins explained that his body anticipated a BP drop & sent out oodles of adrenaline to counteract. When Mack was symptomatic, his BP seemed OK, then 10-15 mins later, it would totally drop out. These symptoms are physiological, not psychological.

Lexapro (similar to your Paxil :-) really helped turn things around for Mack. Only after he addressed the underlying low blood volume with florinef, extra fluids and salt. Just some treatment ideas to think about.


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