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Dysautonomia And Surgery


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Hi all-

With all the wonderful answers to Babette's question on cervical instability, I have learned a lot and been reminded of a few things. My question concerns whether dysautonomia is progressive. When I was a facilitator for our local chronic pain/fibro group, we would say how we would go along at one pain level for a while and then something would happen, like another car accident, and a bit of recovery would occur but generally we would learn to live with a now higher level of pain. Would you say your dysautonomia is like that - not good, plateau, a little worse, etc.? This question is especially pertinent for those with EDS / hypermobility syndrome.

Since my spinal fusion at L-4-5-S-1 10/08 for spondylolisthesis (instability /slippage of low back discs), I have had a horrid time with dysautonomia symptoms.

While I was probably contributing to it by deconditioning when I realized that the cervical dystonia pain was gone when I rested enough, I am trying to sort things out prior to my appt with my neurosurgeon on the 25th. I don't feel like I speak the same language as doctors some times and tend to live in the land of De Nial so any info on the cervical spine, I'd appreciate. I have so much muscle pain in my neck that I may miss something I should be communicating.ha

Thank you,


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