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No Parade This Year For Me!


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Hello all and a very happy St. Patricks day to you from Dublin. Won't make parade this year as the standing and crowds are just too much for me at the moment. But will watch on TV.

Went with my children last year and was well enough to enjoy but am three months into an episode now so not able this year!

Hard to explain to young children!

Enjoy your day all


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I'm sorry you weren't able to go to the parade this year! I hope that your episode passes quickly, and that you're able to enjoy the parade in person the next time.

I want to visit Ireland someday if I can ever get over my fear of flying. That would be a long boat trip--- :huh: Both sides of my family are mostly Irish, other then some Swiss on my Dad's Father's side of the family.

I was really in the St. Patrick's day spirit yesterday, and put on my Irish Celtic jewelry, and an Irish clover pin my Aunt had for years, and passed down to me. We had a parade in our city, and of course lots of partying. I wish I could join in on the fun too, and I totally understand your situation. I'm having some setbacks myself, and wish I could enjoy some of the functions around town.

I went on line yesterday looking at more irish jewelry, and I found one site that had beautiful things. It's very difficult to find! We have an Irish store near by at the mall, and the man working there has promised to find the Irish love knot dangle earrings for me, and has never called us back every time we asked about it. We gave up on him, and moved on. I had an irish love knot pendent on one of the gold chains my mother gave me, and I decided to try out our new shredder one day--------------hmmm..........the chain was longer, about 22 in., and well........it was pulled into the shredder. It's a good shredder, I know that now! lol It chewed the love knot entirely up. We ordered it from an Irish store on the Eastern shore of Maryland that we saw when we went there for my son's wedding.

I found this site:


I'm hoping to feel better next year so I can enjoy St. Patrick's day to the fullest!

Take Care,

Maxine :0)

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I don't really know what an Irish love knot is!!! Do you mean the two hands of Claddagh??

Anyway, I reckon a lot of people on this site have Irish blood and if any of you ever want to come to Dublin, you would be very welcome. (just not all at once!)

Maxine, it would be the best place for some Celtic Jewels!!

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Here's a couple of pictures;



I have this; celticcladdagh20316.jpg ......my husband bought this for me several years ago.

I love Irish Jewelry. I stick with Gold----mostly 14K, but 10K is good too. I know a lot of 10K is sold in Ireland. A jeweler I went to told me this anyway......

It seems a lot of us do have Irish blood, or ENGLISH.

Take Care,

Maxine :0)

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