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Hello, Newly Diagnosed.


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Hello, i'm new here although I have been reading the forums for a while since my cardiologist mentioned a suspicion of POTS. I have found so much helpful information here and couldn't believe that there were other people with the same weird and horrible symptoms as me. I strongly believed that my cardiologist was right once I had read through the information here.

I was diagnosed with POTS 2 weeks ago and have an appointment next week to investigate whether or not I have Ehlers Danlos.

My symptoms began 2 years ago after the birth of my twins (I also have a 5 year old) and I have bounced around various specialists trying to find out what was wrong and even started to question if it could really be caused by anxiety as was suggested on more than one occasion.Reading the forum gave me the conviction to push for further tests that led to my diagnosis, so THANK YOU.

It is a relief as well as a shock to be diagnosed but I am trying to stay positive and hope that medication helps. I have started taking Midodrine and would love to hear from anyone who had good results with it particularly if they have POTS/EDS. I still have lots questions buzzing around in my head so will post a few soon.



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hi melaine

glad you got your diagnoses at least you can make sense of things now. i think a lot of people at first was diagnosed with anxiety, i was.

im too going down the road of eds, the doc at kings college thinks that is what is causing the p.o.t.s. hopefully in the next few weeks i will find out, as im being referred to see prof.g by my doc. going privately so i can see him quicker.

alot of confusing symptoms pots dishes out. ive had it for three years without knowing what it was until last year i got so poorly i was admitted privately to hospital and they finally found out.

welcome to the forum


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hi melaine

yep thats the man. i was referred two weeks friday, so im waiting for an appointment, hopefully it will be soon.

im better than i was last may, with the combination of tablets that im on. unfortunately i cant do much, but i have very gradually improved little by little.

im on midodrine, and with out that and beta blockers, and fludrocortisone i wouldnt be able to sit up or go out, luckily i never had side effects on them.

let us know how the appointment goes next week, thanks.


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