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All I Want Is Balance!!!!

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So, I just posted recently that I have severe insomnia at times... and then days where I can (and have) slept all days... well, that's not the only "balance" problems I have. For those with weak stomachs, read no further... I'm going to try to be as non-graphic as I can, but that's pretty difficult when talking about digestion issues.








So, there are times that I have what I lovingly call rabbit or goat poo... it's small, rock hard, and hurts like heck coming out. I'm actually lucky that happens because normally that only happens when I have times where I can't go for at least 3 days in a row. Then there are days like today, where I'm constantly running to the restroom, and everything is loose and foul smelling (more than the usual foul smell), and it burns (like acid or something) like heck coming out. It seems that I have alot of mucus mixed in, too. I can't tell you the last time I've had normal poo. I know some of this is because I don't have a gallbladder anymore, but surely there must be something more than that. I have made an appointment for a GI next week (something done with some fear, as those were the doctors who told me I didn't have gallbladder disease and that the stomach pain and nausea was all in my head... wrongly, might I add). Until then, anyone have any tips or ideas that might work for me in getting everything straightened out somewhat? Or maybe just better deal with all of this?

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Ericka, you are not alone. Let me know what the GI doc says. I could have written your post.

I have noticed that the really nasty smelling, mucusy stuff is usually after I work-out or have a flushing episode (suspected MCAD.) The other times is when I can't retain water. It's like it goes straight through me to the kidneys and never through the bowel.

I'm very interested in what the doc says.

When my POTS episodes are really bad, I'll cycle between the two extremes really quickly.

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