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stuck on a thorn

Guest tearose

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Guest tearose

Thanks Stacey and GayleP for your warm thoughts. Mary from OH, you are there too? We have enough room since ernie is leaving for her sleep study this week. (Mary, tell your husband next time you plan on passing out you'll ask him to move the bookcase first!) The gentle song by em and daughter was soothing. Isn't is nice earthmother, to have spent quality time with your daughter and have a way of documenting it!

Gayla, good for those baby steps. Where it this chicken house? Can you ride over to it? Can someone pull you in a big red radio flyer wagon? Maybe it's time for those chickens to learn how to change their own hay! I'm looking forward to the day you report you reached your goal of making it to the chicken house!

As for me, I've rested, eaten lots of soup and cake, remembered the formula for staying warm, re-realized I am blessed, let the chores pile up, hatched another generation of bunnies "dust bunnies" that is, stopped the runny nose, dug out of the pit, and am not even thinking about thorns. I can't tell you enough how different the trip was this time...thank you all for making it easier. I plan on popping in "just to visit" those still here.(I'll make any excuse to eat good cake) Be well fellow travelers, tearose

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