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I Am Cautiously Feeling Better


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In mid December, I thought I was going to rupture an internal organ from the horrendous bloating! It was seriously that bad. I had trouble breathing and could not zip my pants up(that today ARE zipped AND buttoned!). That shows how expanded my belly gets. I would like to point out that I had a BM everyday, so not from constipation. But, I did also have horrendous burping, like gas production, but from the upper end(sorry, TMI).

I had an old prescription for Nystatin for intestinal yeast that had been prescribed for me by a "natural" MD. Within 24 hours of taking it, the bloating was diminishing. I then vowed off of outright sugar(still occasional white flour or potatoes), and actually started drinking diet drinks, even though I look at sugar substitutes as being "evil" for the body.

Within a few days of starting Nystatin, my bloating was pretty much all gone, and I HAD SOME ENERGY! So I started a walking program--out my front door and up and down my walkway for a total of 8 minutes! After a few days I could do the 8 minutes without running out of breath. And no lightheadedness!

Then, I started my almost non-existant period. That makes me have a VERY hard time waking in the mornings, and I feel sleepy until late morning, but then I get normal. I have been doing slight cleaning in my house, and even working on some business stuff that I let slide.

I have even been standing up and cooking, and not getting lightheaded!

All I have done differently is taking the Nystatin and giving up outright sugar. I know I have issues with sugar, as I get hypoglycemia off/on all the time(and for many years). Did an overgrowth of intestinal yeast make me lightheaded? I know there is that whole natural medicine that talks about intestinal yeast and all the symptoms it can cause. Did I just prove that it can make me lightheaded everyday? And quitting the majority of sugar would then keep it at a low growth state.

I have always said I feel drunk. Does yeast give off some kind of alcohol byproduct that might make this happen?

I hope someone has had some kind of experience with this and might start a discussion on this. I just know that I will not eat or drink any sugary thing if I can feel this good! I even avoided it all throught the holidays!

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I'm glad you are feeling better. From what I've read over the years (The Yeast Connection, for one), yes, an overgrowth of yeast can make a person appear drunk.

If I were you, I would forego the fake sugar soda pop altogether. Fake sugars can cause their own sets of problems.

It is very difficult to find a mainstream doctor who will even listen to anything about "yeast overgrowth". If they cannot find true medical studies, then they don't take it seriously.

I've tried Nystatin in the past, but I found it made me quite ill at first as I had the "die-off". I also think the medication is hard on the stomach.

But if it is working for you, great!

What kind of health care practitioner prescribed it for you, and how much are you taking?

Keep in mind, that changing your diet to be healthier, in and of itself is beneficial.

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