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Ok kids had some ANS tests last week, Dr. noted that daughter had many extra beats throughout the test, now on the last event monitor I had Dr. noted extra beats when I had an event! The Dr. doing kids tests asked if my daughter had had this looked into, which she has but Dr.'s concluded that it was a common finding and that many peps have this! Anyway I am wondering if these eptopic beats are clue to what is going on in our family! What do you guys know about eptopic beats going along with POTS symptoms.


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Almost everyone has ectopic beats, if you did a holter on a random person you would probably find some ectopic beats. Most people are not aware of these extra beats, but some people are much more sensitive to them notice when they happen. In fact usually people don't feel the actual ectopic beat but the slightly heavier next beat - often described as a "thud in the chest".

Usually ectopic beats are nothing to worry about and don't mean anything in terms of heart problems or dysautonomia. Like any new symptom or problem it should be checked out by a doctor but if further tests show no concerns then it is probably okay to just ignore them.


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My daughters arithmias often go on for hours they are somtimes irregular like she misses a beat or two and make her very symptomatic. Up until last week no one has caught the bad ones on tape only the odd flutters here and there, the normal stuff. With the ANS test she had last week she had constant eptopic beats for 40+ mins, but non of her missed beats this time. On tilting up they reduced some but increased again on being lowered, this seems to be a normal responce. It made for some interesting readings me thinks!! Now can some one put me straight is this eptopic beat stuff is this the same as the increase in BP she has when she is still too long the usual POTS BP or is it somthing else, sorry but I am very confused!!


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Ok sorry to be a pain but I have just been looking through some of my daughters old clinic notes to find that one of her old Dr.'s had written that D had evidence of supraventricular tachycardia with some beats originating from different parts of her upper chambers. At the moment my daughter has been causing the BP machine to read error most times we try to get a reading is this because of these odd beats?!!

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Guest tearose

If you have SVT's you should learn how to "break" them. I don't resort to the cold water way, I use the squat, bring knees up to chest way. or, lay down.

From my experience, odd beats can either precede or follow an SVT run and do bring on POTS flares if not managed.

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