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Topamax Questions???


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I started Topamax last Thursday and have had bothersome side effects from the beginning. What's new right? ;) I got the spacy/giddy/high feeling and made everything look like cotton candy clouds for the first four days or so, but that at least is getting better. I also have felt nauseous, and it has affected my appetite, and sense of taste and smell. These I am dealing with, but they are getting old.

At least for the most part I have been able to sleep on this med, because most cause me to have insomnia. I also have had a LOT more pounding rapid heart rate especially right after taking it and with any physical activity. So, not to POTS friendly- which I thought it was supposed to be...

I also have had this painful dry and sometimes blurry eyes. It has been obnoxious! Today it did get better though, so possibly this is one of the side effects that will gradually go away.

But. the WORST has been then headache/MIGRAINE, which is one of the main things that it was prescribed for. I know it is the medication, because they are slightly different than my regular migraines. They are weird, annoying, painful, and occur most of the day. It is weird that it is causing migraines, when it is supposed to treat them... BUT, that is the story of my life... ;)

Has anyone else had a similar experience on Topamax? Has any one found it that helpful? As in, should I work through the side effects longer to see what happens? So far I see no positive effects.

Any ideas? Any experience???


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I was prescribed LOTS of drugs to help with migraines and many of the "tried and true" drugs actually triggered them or made it worse (amytriptaline in particular.) Don't give up, but if you are getting these side effects, move on to the next drug. My migraines were classified as "unresponsive to medication" until Naratriptan (Amerge) came on the market. What works for one brain, won't work for another, just like any of us! (which makes absolute sense since migraines are transient dysautonomias.)

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I was put on Topamax back when my symptoms first started for what they thought was a cyclical migraine I couldn't get out of. I tried the baby dose and it was dreadful for me. However, they had me start it at the same time as Effexor XR and I am not sure if it was the Topamax or the Effexor or the combination of both that did the trick. Also, I had the reaction the first night I was taking it - woke up feeling like someone is puring hot water into my skull and I was dying. So if you are able to tolerate it for as long as you have, it might be better for you than it was for me. Metal feeling in the mouth is a normal side effect, especially if you drink soda, etc. It normally leads to weight loss, but it's nothing to be concerned over. The migraine, however,is a different story. I would def speak to the doctor about that.

Hope that was helpful.


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Topamax was a miracle drug for a few months for me. I was started on a small dose and worked up to a larger one. I had minor weight loss and eventually started getting GI side effects and had to quit taking it. I think Topomax is the drug that made me not able to sweat (which was one of the possible side effects). I didn't notice it until I realized I was getting hot in temps that I was usually comfortable in. I got bad heat exhaustion on it once 'cause I couldn't sweat in high temps.

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