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Burp And Tachycardia. Anyone Else?


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Hello everyone.

I have to admit it's been a year since I last logged and posted something on to this website. I was doing pretty good for almost a year. Heart rate still high without medication, but a lose dose of beta blockers really helps me.

On the 19th of october I had a traumatic experience of SVT. I don't know how many of you have it. I never faint I just have a high heart rate and occasionally a sudden SVT. One second my heart rate is normal ( with a help of beta blockers of course ) the next it is raising to 200 bpm. Nothing helps - blowing in to the syringe, maneuver of the vein that's on the neck, nothing. I had to call an ambulance was taken to the ER and given intravenously adenosine, I believe it's called so, but I am not sure. The drug gives you a terrible feeling all over the body, seems that the muscles are expanding enormously. It happened again yesterday. The funny thing is that both times before the tachycardia I burped and I was thinking if this is what causes it or was it just a coincidence. I would also like to know if anyone of you have the episodes of SVT or just orthostatic tachycardia?

Thank you so much for taking your time to read this.

P.S. sorry for the mistakes, english is my second language.

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