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Pots Or Ncs?


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I have been diagnosed with Dysautonomia but i don't know if it is POTS OR NCS yet.Does anyone know what kind of tests determine which one-if not both- it is?I've done a tilt test and a heart variability test but nothing else.Doctors have prescribed Zanax,Zoloft,Ladose but nothing works.Zanax actually made it worse.I wake up in the middle of the night with breathing problems,tachycardia,numbness,nausea and shivering.Sometimes my head and neck are so numb i can't feel them at all.I also have gastric influx and i take NEXIUM.Does anyone have similar symptoms? The mornings are even worse.I feel dizzy and like i cannot concentrate-along with all the other symptoms.I live in Athens,Greece and i am worried that doctors don't know much about POTS here.Do you think i should do more tests?How can i help myself? :rolleyes:

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Forgot something....Take the time to read about the different forms of dysautonomia on the home pages of this site. Also, there is a lot of info on the Web, just make sure it's a site with a good reputation.

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In one hospital they mentioned Florinef but in the other one they told me to get Zoloft.I tried Zoloft and Zanaz but they made my symptoms even worse so i stopped taking any of that.Ath the moment i m taking Nexium and Ladose.(it's a beta blocker).Ladose doesn't help me much but at least it doesn't make me worse.I ve read lots of articles and i think i ve got POTS and not NCS.I just wish the doctors would tell me all that instead of having to figure it out by myself.It's so frustrating! :(

Next week i will do a sleep study in a hospital.Hopefully they will tell me something more then...

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