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Saw A Holistic Md Today Adviced Taurine

Rene S.

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Hi. I went to a holistic medical dr today for my h/bp, dysautonomia, fibro, coronary spasms, etc.

She has me starting with 2 capsules of Taurine daily of 1,000mg each.

She also has me on magneDerm Transdermal magnesium, and iron chelate and something called ultra inflamX which is a medical food.

I'm more concerned about the Taurine.

Is Taurine safe?

She's an MD so I hope she knows what she's doing.

She wants me to eliminate sugars and gluten from my diet which I need since I'm very much underweight.

Any insight on Taurine (just Taurine it doesn't say L-Taurine) would be appreciated.

Thank you.


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I think I took Taurine a few years back I can't recall any side effects at all.

I don't have a problem with gluten but I certainly have had to eliminate sugar from my diet. No worries on the weight loss, I find for me I that I can stabalize my weight much better with natural fats (butter) and whole foods (beans, brown rice) than I can with refined products in any event.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

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Hi Rene~

Webmd.com has a lot of information about Taurine under it's drug and supplement tab. All of the sources I looked at implied that Taurine is similar to an amino acid, and that it would help with protection of your heart and also bring hypertension down. It's been proven safe in studies of up to one year. I think the only uncertainty about it's safety is in longer-term usage. It sounds like this may be a good option for you.

Good luck and let us know how it works for you!


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Hi Rene~

Webmd.com has a lot of information about Taurine under it's drug and supplement tab. All of the sources I looked at implied that Taurine is similar to an amino acid, and that it would help with protection of your heart and also bring hypertension down. It's been proven safe in studies of up to one year. I think the only uncertainty about it's safety is in longer-term usage. It sounds like this may be a good option for you.

Good luck and let us know how it works for you!


Rene- I think Jana makes a lot of sense. When I went to see a holistic dr. it was a mess. I agree with the concept though.

Just make sure that your meds - if you take anything - don't interact. My one thought is maybe you could take more taurine though food (if you are worried). That way you really could not take to much... this comming from a girl who is taking CoQ10 2times a day with meds!!

One other thought. I was told that I really don't have a High Blood Pressure problems (just hyperadergenic POTS). I was eating celery and drinking cranberry juice wich was the wrong thing!!!!

I have to say with Dysautonimia I would not let any one treat me for High Blood Pressure. Mayo clinic told me this was a symptom not a problem. I would never want anyone of us to take a diuretic ( natural or not)!

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I think I took Taurine a few years back I can't recall any side effects at all.

I don't have a problem with gluten but I certainly have had to eliminate sugar from my diet. No worries on the weight loss, I find for me I that I can stabalize my weight much better with natural fats (butter) and whole foods (beans, brown rice) than I can with refined products in any event.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

Hi EM,

Do you remember how much taurineyou took on a daily basis?

Any side effects? I took one today and my presure might even be higher! Grr

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Hi Rene~

Webmd.com has a lot of information about Taurine under it's drug and supplement tab. All of the sources I looked at implied that Taurine is similar to an amino acid, and that it would help with protection of your heart and also bring hypertension down. It's been proven safe in studies of up to one year. I think the only uncertainty about it's safety is in longer-term usage. It sounds like this may be a good option for you.

Good luck and let us know how it works for you!


Rene- I think Jana makes a lot of sense. When I went to see a holistic dr. it was a mess. I agree with the concept though.

Just make sure that your meds - if you take anything - don't interact. My one thought is maybe you could take more taurine though food (if you are worried). That way you really could not take to much... this comming from a girl who is taking CoQ10 2times a day with meds!!

One other thought. I was told that I really don't have a High Blood Pressure problems (just hyperadergenic POTS). I was eating celery and drinking cranberry juice wich was the wrong thing!!!!

I have to say with Dysautonimia I would not let any one treat me for High Blood Pressure. Mayo clinic told me this was a symptom not a problem. I would never want anyone of us to take a diuretic ( natural or not)!

Hi Kayjay,

Who did you see that was a mess? Hope it's not the same person! I took take Co-Q-10 100 mgs.

Wow, I try toget so much potasium in bananas, potatoes, prunes, orange juice. The weird thing is that is holistic dr doesn't think I have "normal" high b/p since when I was sitting it was 125/67 then when I got up and walked around and sat back down for a few minutes it skyrocketed to 176/80. At home today it's been high, yet when I lay in bed I get it 123/66. driving me crazy. Hypertension runs through my entire family (what's left) and I'm wondering if I don't just have simple hypertension.

I have horrid headaches, palps and dizziness when my pressure goes up and I shake. I can feel these things.

The only med I'm taking at the moment si a small dose of klonopin and I didn't see any interractions between that and the taurine. I need to do more research because I don't want to take nearly as much taurine as she's recommending. Sheesh.

Thank for your imput!


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Hi Rene~

Webmd.com has a lot of information about Taurine under it's drug and supplement tab. All of the sources I looked at implied that Taurine is similar to an amino acid, and that it would help with protection of your heart and also bring hypertension down. It's been proven safe in studies of up to one year. I think the only uncertainty about it's safety is in longer-term usage. It sounds like this may be a good option for you.

Good luck and let us know how it works for you!


Hey Jana,

I did see the info on wedmd. thank you! I just want to make sure that it's very safe since it's also in the drink red bull with caffeine and articles about that say that it can raise b/p. I'm ready to throw in the towel.

I have to do hormone testing via saliva and also testing for food intolerances and how I metabolize meds.

I'll buzz you tomorrow.

Thanks, LS



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