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So I have been on Mestinon for a little over a month and I hate it. I just realized yesterday that I think it is what is making me so sick. I started having this really weird stuff go on like my pupils dilating a lot and my tongue becoming really thick so it was hard to talk. I went to the ER and they told me that it was probably a virus.....hmm it has lasted about 3 weeks now. It made me feel like my equilibrium is off so I would almost pass out, but it was a very different feeling than when that happens with the POTS. I also was extremely tired and wasn't even able to go to my classes because the fatigue was so bad. I think that it is the Mestinon so today I decreased the dosage by half and things went a little better today, but if it is due to that then I would think that it wouldn't totally go away for a few days.


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