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Go Off My Meds For Mayo????


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That's odd. When I went to Mayo I stayed on all of my meds, except if I had a test that required me to go off certain ones for a day or two. Do you know what tests they have planned for you when you get there? Are you seeing a cardio, neuro, someone else?


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I am not sure. i know that they want me to redo my TTT. i will be there for a least a week. I don't think I care about stopping the lexapro but the BB has kept me alive- without it my resting hr was about 150.. I am 36 and unhealthy only b/c of POTS (not diet or lifestyle) although I have not been able to exercise for about the last 5 months- I still do a little pilates (laying down). I don't want to sound dramatic but I am worried about what will happen to me if I cut down on meds and then fly out there. How long did you have to stay? I am going to the pots clinic and will meet with a group of dr.'s from different fields. My TTT in PA was very dramatically posititive without any injections I was symptomatic in just a few min. thks

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I would contact the team at Mayo and ask when they want you to stop the meds. I suspect that you would have to wean off the Lexapro a few weeks before testing but you might be able to stay on the metoprolol until after you have flown out to Mayo (consider going a day early).


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Stopping a bb will also cause a rebound tachycardic effect and you should never stop one cold turkey unless maybe you're subbing with a new one for the very next dose. The same goes for the SSRI in that you should def wean off and not stop cold turkey. You could have some transient depressive symptoms after stopping the Lexapro as well and need to be prepared for this. (This isn't a replacement for medical advice, so please keep that in mind.) It burns me up so bad when medical professionals tell a patient to stop their meds with no advice on how to do so or what the effects of discontinuing could be. When I found out I was pregnant the nurse on the base (Air Force) told me that most of my meds were Category C and I should stop them all. Had I been less informed about my meds and not be consulting with my psychiatrist and PCP before trying to conceive, I may have encountered a major (life-threatening) depressive episode to say the least!

It still blows my mind that I, as a dental hygienist, have as much, if not usually more, schooling than nurses and in the dental profession it is still illegal for dental hygienists to administer local anesthesia in most states! In addition, most states don't allow hygienists to work without then dentist in the same building as them regardless of what we're doing. We also can only work in a ratio of two hygienists per dentist in any office setting. And, nurses can work hotlines and give advice to patients without even consulting the doctor on issues way more pressing than a toothache or bleeding gums!!! Sorry about the rant! lol

How soon before your appt do they want you to stop your meds?

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I just wanted to add that it would be well worth a call to see how far in advance they want you to go off of them. Also, try to get a schedule from them on how to properly wean yourself off of the meds. It is often most beneficial to ask to speak to the nurse of the dr that you are going to see. They are much more apt to give appropriate directions than office staff or the lab where you are being tested will give. You will need to WEAN off the meds. If they are not helpful, consult with your PCP.


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I was at the Mayo Clinic in MN for 10 days. I remember having to go off my SSRI (Paxil) for a couple of nights before one of the tests, but that's it. Why don't you call your doctor there and express your concerns? They may be able to work something out with you, or at least give you peace of mind for the reason they want you to stop it, and that it won't harm you. Let us know what happens.



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I just went to Mayo in JAX and they are weaning me off of my bb to put me on a hr recorder that records my HR all day long.. they will be adding a calcium channel blocker for a bit, they are not stopping the klonopin and klor con though.

I do know from working in pharmacy, you should never stop bb or ssri cold turkey, all the other users online are correct about that!! It definitely needs to be titrated down!

blessings, kelly

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Thank you all for your advice and help. I have started going off of the lexapro. I'll take 5mg less every week until I am off. For the bb I am going to meet with my local cadio and see about cutting the dose in half but not stopping it until I get there. I am greatful for your input!!

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Mayo wants me off my meds for testing. I don't take the lexapro for depression. My dr. thought that it would help "reset" my system. It has not. I am really only worried about cutting back on the bb. It only helps me a little right now. I am going to go to my local dr. on friday and see what she advises about the bb. Maybe I can cut back at home and stop it whe nI get to mayo. Also I have ativan to take as needed but maybe something else would be better.

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When I went to Mayo, the neurologist wanted me completely off of any med that affects the nervous system. For me this included narcotics or anything else that is sedating like phenergan, as well as the usual POTS meds. He also wanted me off antihistamines since histamine plays a neurological role. He wanted me off everything for 3 days prior to testing and we had to postpone some tests until the 3 days were up.

I really don't think you should quite your BB before you see the doctor. Maybe you could hold off taking it on the day of your appointment and testing if you think it's safe.

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I understand you have to do what you think is best for you. I am still going to strongly encourage you to speak to someone at the clinic who works with the doctor you will be seeing (who will be ordering the tests). Your cardio can tell you what is safe for you but he will not be able to tell you what the doctor at Mayo needs in order to get accurate (diagnostic) test results. It would be a bummer if you got there and found out everything would have to be postponed because of your current medication regimen. I also understand that going off of your bb and then flying out there could be dangerous for you. Maybe if you can speak to someone at the clinic and tell them about what your condition is off of the bb then they could arrange for you to stop it once you're already there and they can have tests scheduled for X amount of time after that. In additioin, they would be prepared for you if you need medical intervention from stopping the bb. I wish you the best of luck.

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