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Rene S.

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Hi. I just spoke to the EP cardio that basically dismissed meor rather I should say I spoke to his nurse. Guess he doesn't want to be bothered with me. I've been having some very elevated b/p levels lately. This morning I got readings of 158/81, hr 100, 155/97 hr 128. Upon awaking, my pressure was 109/63, hr 84. Last night prior to sleep it was 103/56, 75bp. I'm frustrated. I know that I'm under stress. I told the nurse that I've been experiencing chest pain that even woke me 2 nights ago with the sweats.

Anyway, she said try taking 2.5mg of Pindolol and then added go back on your hormone therapy. While, normally I would agree, the chest pains have me scared. I asked if I should come in and she said there is nothing that they could do for me there. It's a cardiologists' office for pete's sake! That they don't think it's cardiac and if I'm that concerned to go to the ER. I've had my share of the ER thank you They just look at me like I'm neurotic.

So, I guess my questions are as follows:

Does anyone take Pindolol and can you take it with chest pains? I didin't do well with betas in the past.

And second question - starting two drugs at the same time (the Vivelle dot) how would I know which is the effective treatment? And if I'm having true chest pains can't estrogen cause a heart attack?

I'm sorry I know I sound like nervous nilly, but I am. I shake all the time and generally feel awful. I did stop Paxil on Monday after 2 weeks on it, (didn't like the way it made me feel). I'm just concerned with the stress/anxiety/depression I'm under that I'm going to give myself a heart attack!

Thank you all for listening. There's no one here for me to turn to.

Rene :blink:

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Hi Ruekat,

Have you thought about whether discontinuing the Paxil could be causing some of your problems? Both my husband and daughter were on Paxil for a while and both experienced severe withdraw effects. I know you were only on it a short time but if you stopped it suddenly perhaps it sould be adding to your discomfort. Maybe ask your pharmacist.

Best wishes that you feel better soon.


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Hi Babette,

Thank you for validating what I feel is definitely withdrawal symptoms. I was only on it for 2 weeks, but I'm super sensitive to meds but did taper down the last 4 days o 2.5 from only 5mgs. I have this wretched headache, like my head is on fire. I'm crying all the time and have no energy. I did ask the dr. and he said that it's probably not likely but maybe because I'm so sensitive???

How were your husband and daughter's withdrawals? What type of symptoms did they have?

I'm still struggling if whether or not I should go on the Pindolol. Can you tell that meds scare me? The only thing I take is tylenol (and that puts me to sleep!) and the klonopin which I'm not sure does anything. I'm just so frustrated.

Would love to hear from anyone else on pindolol or having the b/p problems I'm having.

Take care,


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I took a low dose of Pindolol three times a day for 1 1/2 years. It kept my bp lower than my usual low, and it made my fatigue a lot worse. However, I had been on just about every other beta blocker, and this was the only one I could tolerate a little. After ending up in the hospital for very low bp, I was taken off of Pindolol. The doctor came in and checked on me. He told me not to get up out of bed because my bp was low. I asked him what it was. He said 85/50. I told him it had been running that for a few years. He couldn't believe it. Anyway, now I'm on Coreg and Diltiazem. They have side effects, too, but the Coreg really helps keep my heart from feeling like it's pounding out of my chest. My bp runs 90/60 - 100/60 most of the time. I hope you find the right medicine combo that helps.

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